A Secret to Working Mom Success: Give Yourself Grace

Me at the White House The other evening I had to attend a board meeting followed by a reception. I participated in the board meeting on the phone. However, I arrived for the reception in person. I was starving. So, I was glad to see that there was quite a spread laid out for our enjoyment. I wound up being the first person in the line to get food.

Tip for Avoiding Stress During the Holiday Season: A Personal Assistant

I have been blogging for a while. And my blogging has given me the opportunity to meet some great working women who are also on a quest for balance in their stilettos. I have asked my sisters in the struggle what they need most. Universally, they provide the same answer.  They want, they need, and they fantasize about having more time.

Working Women Long for More Time.

Alas, like you and me they are mere mortals.  And even if they could quit their jobs and become a stay-at-home mom they would still be cursed blessed like the rest of us. No matter how organized they become. No matter how early they manage to get up in the morning. And no matter how many Smart phones, iPads, other cool gadgets they get to make them more efficient, they would only have 24 hours in any given day to get everything done.

A Personal Assistant Can Help You Get More Time.

In my dream life I have a full time personal assistant who comes to my home every day and is at my beck and call and committed to helping me achieve my dreams.  I got the idea from watching “Bethenny Ever After”. That show portrayed a seamless relationship between Bethenny Frankel and her assistant Julie Plake. Bethenny was able to seemingly be in multiple places at once, manage her Skinny Girl line, launch a talk show and mother her daughter with Julie's help. Like most working moms, I would love to be that efficient! 
Last season, Julie left the show and returned to her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which is my adopted hometown.  Hey Julie if you’re looking for another gig, “Call me maybe?!” I can’t pay what Bethenny pays, but my daughter is equally as cute and we have a lot of fun!

If You Lack a Personal Assistant You Can Still Have a Stress Free Holiday Season.

The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that a personal assistant is the key to smiling through the holidays. Before you send me hate mail, I know that's not an original thought.
Most people believe that they would be more efficient, less stressed and generally more fun if they had "help". I also know that most people who have had that epiphany and have the means already have "help". Lest you think that I am rolling in dough, since I did not hit the Powerball the other day, I cannot afford a personal assistance. That being said, I have never believed that limited finances should limit your life, I have become committed to maximizing my productivity with the resources I have.
I have learned that those of us who lack a perosnal assistant do not have to struggle through the holidays. We do not have to run around with chickens like our heads cut off chasing sales, buying ingredients and wrapping gifts. We can also smile with the help of a free personal assistant.

Stay tuned for the 5 tips for getting a free personal assistant!

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