A Working Mom's Secret to Success on Valentine's Day: Manage Expectations...

Lady celebrating Valentine's Day at Eddie V's "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde  Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. The roots of Valentine’s Day roots go back to St. Valentine, a priest in the early Christian Church known for his compassion and commitment to love. He was a defender of faith, hope, and kindness, reminding us that love is not just a feeling—it’s an action. And, this year I have learned that being free on Valentine's Day is better than living a lie. Valentine's Day, like Christmas, comes every year. However, unlike Christmas, Valentine's Day is about romantic love an...

It's Monday!

Since Monday is the first day of the week, one would think that on Mondays I would report to work fresh faced with my hair done. However, instead of greeting the week refreshed, I am generally incredibly tired. Somehow, I always run out of time on Sunday night.

My weekend generally begins with friends and a cocktail on Friday night. Sometimes, I am in Pittsburgh and sometimes I am on the road, but either way, it's the same routine. As I sip that cocktail, I am full of excitement about the weekend and how I have two full days of freedom ahead of me. It's like a weekly vacation, right? Wrong!

When I wake up on Saturday morning, after having my requisite tea and toast with honey, I am reminded that my kitchen counters are slightly sticky. They have honey residue accumulated from Monday-Friday's tea and toast with honey. The floors of the great room and the furniture has managed to accumulate dust during the week. There's a pile of laundry in the hamper and a pile of clothes to take to the dry cleaners. There are shoes to get shined and repaired, nails to get done, food to buy, friends and family to catch up with, the list goes on. Often, I try to catch dinner with friends or go to a movie.

Before you know it, it's 2:00 AM on Sunday morning and I am wondering where the day went. I am also wondering why, after making a meticulous list, I still have a good bit of stuff to do. And I had tried to be so good!

On Sunday morning (at a more respectable hour) I awaken and launch into my weekly debate--"to church or not to church", that is the question. Since I live across the street from a church, church often wins. The humorous part about it is that I am Baptist and it is a Catholic church! However, I figure that the Lord is everwhere. And somehow I tend to hear him better when I can roll to church in jeans and church only lasts 50 minutes... :-)

Anyway, after church, since I was up until 2:00 AM, I return home to the NY Times and tea and toast with honey. Often, I throw in a load of laundry and take a nap or talk to my sister, Jeryn. I may take in a run, if I'm motivated. Either way, often I look up and it's time for Desperate Housewives, followed by Brothers and Sisters. Before I'm considering winding down it's 11:00 PM.

In a blink of an eye, it's midnight and then 12:30 AM before I retire. And on Monday, I wake up, tired, and despite my massive wardrobe, I struggle to put an outfit together. Maybe it's just me, but Monday always comes too fast...


Anonymous said…
I love your blog! Humorous,relatable(is that a word?)...OK, try "reader-friendly", and I can't wait to read the next excerpt!