The 2024 presidential election motivated me to have a birthday do-over

At the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater Pointe in Time Emerald Gala Today marks a week since my birthday.  Its occurrence is a tremendous blessing. Because all around us are reminders about the fragility of life. To that end, my brother, who always makes a point to celebrate me, took me to the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater's Pointe in Time Emerald Gala on November 2d. That was the beginning of my birthday celebrations. And then, on my birthday itself, I got a bit of a surprise... My actual birthday was tough. It was Election Day. And, I spent the day working polls as a part of an election protection effort. My efforts were designed to protect all voters. However, deep in my heart I love my AKA sister, Kamala Harris and I hoped for her historic victory. Then, much to my chagrin and despite my efforts—and those of thousands more—she lost. In my estimation, that loss was one of the greatest setbacks in human dignity in my lifetime.  The country elected a felon and self-proclaimed, racist, ableis

Dating Rules Are Made to Be Broken...

When women abandon their dating rules they tend to get surprised by love.

I recently had dinner with a friend described her ideal man and then stated all of the things she wouldn’t do. She ended the conversation with a declaration that she was content being alone and intended to count her blessings instead of lamenting her losses. I wasn’t at all convinced that she was as committed as she sounded, but in the interest of kindness, I simply smiled.

If You Abandon the Rules You May Find Love Where You Least Expect It

I smiled because at one point in my life, I had been her. I refused to date outside of my race. I refused to date short men. I refused to date men who were more than four years older than me or more than four years younger than me. I wouldn’t be involved in a long distance relationship. The list goes on and on. However, once I started breaking my rules, I started loving.

As fate would have it, my friend found love in the most unlikely of places. She found with someone who defied all of her rules. I won’t go say any more than that because it is her story. However, she found love because she realized that people are real and rules are arbitrary. And that’s a lesson that anyone who wants a chance at happiness needs to learn.
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