It was another sunny day in
Pittsburgh and I saw the most splendid image, a fireman riding on his
truck. His uniform was half on and half off. He was wearing a t-shirt that showed off his muscles and fire resistant pants. He was on his way to douse a fire, but he ignited one in me…
When I saw him I was standing on the corner waiting to cross street. I have never been so happy to see a “do not walk” sign in my life!
As I waited to cross the street, I heard the siren, I saw the lights flashing, and felt the sidewalk trembling. And then for the first time in a long time, I looked inside the truck. That’s when I saw him.
Inside the truck were at least four men, but the driver captured my attention. He was tall, dark, and had the strongest looking arms I had seen in real life. He was on a mission to protect and to save. He was wearing sunglasses and possessed absolute focus on the road. His face had such absolute determination that I believed that he could not be stopped.
Although I knew that he had a more important purpose, I couldn’t help but wish that he was coming to rescue me from that lonely corner to whisk me off to some private romantic place. At some point my actual vision turned from real to fantasy—full of all kinds of thoughts!
My fantasy was short lived though. I knew that he was gone when the sidewalk stopped trembling.
Then, the light changed and I was thrust back into the real world. Hopefully, he was able to put out that fire. However, I think that his image will continue to fuel mine for quite a while. Don't worry, I will keep it contained... :-)