The 2024 presidential election motivated me to have a birthday do-over

At the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater Pointe in Time Emerald Gala Today marks a week since my birthday.  Its occurrence is a tremendous blessing. Because all around us are reminders about the fragility of life. To that end, my brother, who always makes a point to celebrate me, took me to the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater's Pointe in Time Emerald Gala on November 2d. That was the beginning of my birthday celebrations. And then, on my birthday itself, I got a bit of a surprise... My actual birthday was tough. It was Election Day. And, I spent the day working polls as a part of an election protection effort. My efforts were designed to protect all voters. However, deep in my heart I love my AKA sister, Kamala Harris and I hoped for her historic victory. Then, much to my chagrin and despite my efforts—and those of thousands more—she lost. In my estimation, that loss was one of the greatest setbacks in human dignity in my lifetime.  The country elected a felon and self-proclaimed, racist, ableis

Things we do when we’re alone...

It might just be me. But put me in a dressing room and with a mirror and some good music and I start dancing!

So, last month I was at Barney’s in San Francisco trying on outrageously priced clothes and it hit me. I look pretty cute in a $3,000 dress. Since it wasn't leaving me the store with me I decided that I should rock it one time for old time sake. The music was hip hop. It had a strong beat and there was rapper instructing me to move. And so I did.

Right there in the dressing room in that high falutin’ Prada dress I got a little ghetto with it.

Then I remembered that I couldn’t afford the dress. So, I just started to sway. I couldn’t risk any sweat marks in the dress. They might make me buy it. And a little fun wasn’t worth that price. Still, I was in my own world. I could see myself in that dress, dancing at an event with some handsome man. The vision was clear. I was the belle of the ball. And, I was H-O-T!!!

Then, a knock on the door by the sales woman brought me back to reality. Even though I had come back to earth I realized that I had just received a gift. I was a star for a moment. And, it didn’t even cut into my fifteen minutes of fame!
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