Most of us work, but the term "worker" doesn’t apply to us all with equal force. I am an attorney. Indeed, I have come to understand that when politicians speak about the “
American worker” they aren’t referring to me. I used to be a little offended by that because I work really hard. However,
today, I began to understand.
Today, I volunteered to work the
Labor Day Parade for the
Obama campaign. Without sounding elitist, this parade gave me the opportunity to experience
Americana in a way that I hadn’t done in years.
I grew up the daughter of a banker and an educator. So, my youth was full of parades, pot luck dinners, and church socials. However, after graduating law school, I became this “attorney”. While I always maintained that I remained the same. Gradually, I took on all of the trappings that the job implies. In many ways, it was too easy not to.
I won’t say that I forgot where I came from. But, I became a little disconnected. My job, income, and social life insulated me from some of my community’s simple pleasures. The funny thing is that until today, I was rather unaware of it.
However, today, I realized what I have been missing. I also realized that honoring our workers with parades and recognition is important.
I also have a greater understanding about why Obama’s decision to become a
community organizer was so significant. Instead of losing touch and simply becoming an "attorney", he chose to make a difference. And he chose to remain connected.
He took the path less travelled. I am glad that today he gave me the opportunity to do the same, at least today. And on this Labor Day, that made all of the difference.
Happy Labor Day!!!
Your anticipation of Obama's speech intrigued me. So... I listened, because over a short month you became a person I deamed to be a person to respect, and an opinion I would respect. However I am left wondering how you felt about Sarah Palin's speech you either fell asleep for; or conviently ignored? Just wondering?
Obama visited my hometown tonight? Am i impressed? Not at all! Because like you, Obama has no idea what it is like to be a "worker".
So.. Can you be honest with yourself and the communties you wish to help that you have been there? you know what it is like? You said so yourself that you were brought up in an educated home.
To you I offer this, I am in no way as educated as you, nor am I able to compose as well as you. This I completely concede. But, It still remains: doctors, lawyers, whatever, are not in the trenches. And if they are, shouldn't you be the biggest supporter? Being who I am, I ask why are you standing where you are?