The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

A wonderful trip to San Juan...

I recently returned from the most beautiful vacation in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The island is amazing. The sights, sounds, and smell of the island transported me to a more peaceful place. Me encanta!

The sun is bright. The beaches are full of white sand. And, the sky is majestic. I enjoyed the kind of vacation that makes you want to remain in paradise forever.

My enjoyment outweighed all of the sand bites that populate my body like a game of connect the dots. I am very aware that the minor annoyance of itchiness could have been the pain of a jelly fish sting that some other hotel guests encountered.

Quite frankly, the fun has overshadowed the minor inconveniences that come with travel. Instead, my mind is full of those things that make me smile. Here’s looking forward to my next vacation…
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