One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Facts, the Paranoid Mother's Best Friend

Today I received an email from the hospital where I delivered my baby. They send lots of emails that appear to be intended to keep well intended parents off of the news  The topic was safety. It contained lots of information about baby proofing your home and had other safety tips.

Below is a direct quote from the email:
"Dog bites are among the highest causes of injury in children under 5 and often the dog is a gentle soul who would not be expected to bite. However babies may interact with any animal in ways that produce unpredictable—and sometimes dangerous—responses."
Cha-ching! Reading that quote was a validation of all of what I felt during the dinner with that dog.  The quote shows that I was/am not just a paranoid new mother.  I am a person whose paranoia is supported by the medical profession.  My translation: "Not only do dogs carry germs, they are unpredictable, they maim, and they have the power to kill."

The email confirmed all of my fears and my protective instinct. It also confirmed that I was right not to trust that dog. 
Pet owners beware, I'm a mommy with facts fueling my paranoia.  I can't be stopped!
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MMAR said…
Stopping by from Mom Spark! We have had this discussion numerous times in my household because we have 3 dogs!!
Lexie Lane said…
Oh my goodness! When it comes down it, you SHOULD always trust your instinct. People will tell you so many things that validate different facts, but overall, you are the mother, it is your life and your family's. Nobody else is going to be in your shoes, but you. Thanks for sharing this.

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Hope to see you there!


Lexie Lane
Cindy said…
So true! I love/hate validation in my paranoia's (4 kiddo's here) Sometimes ignorance really is bliss! I'm you newest follower stopping by from Bloggy :) Check out my new blog
Anonymous said…
Trust your instincts but calm your fears. Dogs sense fear and it can incite them. You should know the difference between a rambunctious animal and a mean one. Just be vigilant, meaning you never leave a baby in the room alone with a domesticated animal, no matter how domesticated they may seem.
Jenn said…
Hi! I'm stopping by from BloggyMoms and I completely understand where you're coming from! My in-laws have a giant dog (half husky half lab) that scared the bleepers out of me when it was a pup... it was all bark and jump and sharp teeth. It's mellowed out now, but it sure does like to lick my kids. Initially I was terrified to let her near the children, but she really is a gentle giant, and now I just laugh at how she tries to lick every corner of my little 16-month-old daughter's face, while my daughter blows raspberries and spits! It really is pretty cute. But I always do watch carefully. It is good to trust your instincts, especially when it comes to your kids!

I am now following you! Please stop by my blog if you get a chance... it is a humorous look at joys, trials, and tribulations of motherhood... our family has lots of crazy adventures, and I love to tell about them! I blog at Misadventures in Motherhood . I'd love for you to stop by!

Smiles, Jenn
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Nice blog! I am a new fan from Bloggy Moms. I faved you on Technorati.
