One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Let's Hear it for the Daddies (Happy Father's Day!) #FathersDay

Daddy on Duty

An Ode to Fathers...

1. Let’s hear it for the guys who try really hard only to get chastised by the women in their lives because they're still not doing “it” quite right.

2. Let’s hear it for those men, those resourceful, caring men who have learned how to respond to their babies cries, soothe their hurts and calm their fears even though their own baby is the first one they ever paid attention to.

3. Let’s hear it for the guys who balance the mommies and ensure that the babies don’t grow up believing they are so fragile that they will contract cholera by playing on the public playground.

4. Let’s hear it for those men who are big, strong, and proud. The men who would leap tall buildings for their families if they could, but are still brought to tears by their love for their babies.

5. Let’s hear it for the guys who give the mommies a break from the babies they love so much that they sometimes forget to care for themselves.

6. Let’s hear it for the men who throw the babies in the air, despite the mommies’ objections, because they know the babies are ready for more than milk and sleep.

7. Let’s hear it for the guys who always make the babies laugh and have become the in-house fun expert (and the babies know it)

8. Let’s hear it for the men who help the mommies calm down and remember that people have been raising babies for centuries without hand sanitizer, Google and microwaveable self-sanitizing pacifiers and they have been OK.

9. Let’s hear it for the men who made the mommies say yes, which is how they became daddies in the first place…

10. Let’s hear it for the guys who contribute in immeasurable ways whom we often forget to thank.



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Jo Jo said…
Hey Chaton! I have to say THANK YOU!! I love this post. My Man is one of those wonderful, awesome men, too!

Thanks for the follow, and I'm returning the favor!
Time for Me
Unknown said…
i didn't get to read the full post cause i'm rushing rushing- (to get off the computer)
i love it though!!!
new follower!
Kezia said…
LOVE IT!!! Great tribute and appreciation, go Chaton!!!
Unknown said…
It's my first time on Blog Hop Monday. I'm following your amazing blog. I'm an author and have an education tips blog. Looking forward to networking with you.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for following my site! I'm here returning the follow!
Ro :)
Have YOU had your Mom-ME Moment today?
Lovely post!
Thanks for hopping by!
I'm happily returning the follow!
mochadad said…
Thanks for sharing this post and for the Father's Day greeting.