One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Random Thoughts: The First Time at the Pediatrician

The first time I took the baby to the pediatrician was an event. Andre came and my sister was with us. If you think that I am a bit of a neurotic mother, I have nothing on my sister. She’s the most protective aunt you have ever seen! Since she was born analytical, she has well researched lists about every conceivable topic. Between her me and Andre, those doctors didn’t stand a chance at getting anything past us or omitting any portion of the examination. 

What we were not at all prepared for was the confusion surrounding our relationship or our economic status.

To be fair, I guess the pediatrician sees it all—the good, the bad, and the kinky. Because there were three of us, at one point someone implied that we were all raising the baby alá Big Love. I had to gently explain that Jeryn’s my actual sister and not my sister wife… Actually, once I told them she lived in Atlanta they seemed to relax a bit.

The other thing that caught me off guard were the consistent offers of public assistance. I don’t know if they kept offering me WIC because I’m Black, looked disheveled (because of my fatigue and lack of a shower), or out of sheer benevolence. All I know is that the offers kept coming. They came so often that I finally asked whether all I had to do was fill out the paperwork to get the free cheese, milk, eggs, and cereal. I thought perhaps President Obama had created a protected class of female corporate lawyers in need of some help-- “Project Help a Sister Out”...

In any event, when they finally understood that I did not qualify as “low-income” they became slightly embarrassed and I left with not even a cracker.  Fortunately, we are blessed to not need WIC.  I think it's a good program for those who need it and there's no shame in accepting the assistance.  Still, the encounter got me curious about what sparked the offers. Did something about me suggest that they offer me WIC or do they offer it to everyone???

Help me out blog readers, do they repeatedly offer everybody WIC or was it just me?  Let me know if it's happened to you.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

I remember the very first time I brought my son to the pediatrician, I was dizzy due to lack of sleep.
And with the C-section surgery, it was so painful.

By the way, thank you so much for your comment on my blog. Nice to meet you here. I'm returning the favor. I just followed you back. See you around.
Unknown said…
Wow Chaton! That has never happened to me and I think I would have been feeling some type of way too!! That's different - sorry honey!

Anonymous said…
Hi Chaton,

Thanks for following my newly started blog. I am glad you did so I could follow back. :)
I really enjoyed this post, having worked in health care for 10+ years, I actually didn't find most of it surprising. Sure there are some biases everywhere, but there is so much pressure today to ensure that people know all the options for health care. However, I am not sure what the sister wife thing was about....sorry. lol
great post! thanks for sharing! I am visiting from the hop! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would follow me back! thanks so much!
insomnia said…
The first peds visit was more than 10 years ago here. Now they need to be impaled on something or be excessively bleeding before we visit.
WIC, they encourage it for everyone. It cannot hurt to enroll and see if you qualify. It's a month's worth of free formula (for a year)if you are not breast feeding plus other goodies like cheese, cereal and milk. I had WIC for my son and it was a huge help. I didn't qualify for my daughter because my financial situation changed. It's totally free for families till the kid's 5 years old.
BECKS said…
Hi Chaton,

I'm here from the Finding New Friends blog hop and am now following.

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Have a great weekend. : )

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Working at home advice
Hang in there, Mama! Love your writing, you made me laugh out loud!

WIC was never offered to me, but I was asked if I was on it. And when they asked me I had no idea what it was & my husband had to tell me about it. I have a very blessed life to not have to need assistance & I'm very grateful!

The sister wife thing though? Never happened to me before. Are you in an area that has a lot of people from the Mormon faith?

Love the blog!
My mouth dropped open when I read this. First of all, I had never heard of a "sister wife" then I can't believe they were trying to push WIC off on you guys. I'm guessing your baby couldn't have looked egg, cheese and milk-deprived! Oh my goodness! NEVER heard of this happening before.