One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

The Baby Cooling Off...

If you hadn't noticed, a heat wave is sweeping the East Coast.  The days are hot, muggy and long.  What's a baby got to do to get some relief?!

At my house, we improvise.  When we can't make it over to the grandparent's house and get a cool down in a proper pool, we fill up the beverage container we got at Rite Aid for $3.50 (it was $6.99, but I got it on sale) and place the baby in it for some fun, cool times.  When you have a baby, cheap fun is hard to come by so I love the fact that I got the container on sale.

For any of you moms with infants and small toddlers out there, I highly recommend high tailing it to Rite Aid to get one. Hours of fun is ensured. And when the baby goes to sleep, you can grab a cocktail, put your own feet in there and imagine that you're on vacation! :-)

I am oh so green, since the container has multiple uses. And as you can see, the baby is oh so happy splashing around on our patio.

I would like to take credit for being the brilliant mommy who bought the beverage container thinking that it could also be used as a little pool.  However, I can't. That credit goes to the grandmother who saw me in line holding the baby and the large pink plastic container and asked me, "Is that a pool or a bathtub?"  Grandmothers are so smart.  She saw a pool or a tub when all I saw was "beverage container" because that's what it said on the sign.  I probably would have wasted money buying a kiddie pool and then been complaining about storage space.  I'm sure I'll never see that woman again, but she changed my life.

If you look closely at the photo there are lots of legitimate toys in the "pool".  However, what has captured my baby's attention and is making her shriek with laughter is one of her favorite toys, which used to be the top for one of our pitchers. Go figure?!

Hmm... I wonder what other household supplies I can convert into toys??? They're much cheaper and she seems to like them. . It seems like once you place baby on something the price sky rockets. I'll keep you posted.

BTW--Like the flagstone patio???  Big thanks to Andre who put it in with his own two hands.  Watching him out there in a t-shirt, working out the old concrete with a sledge hammer was a sight to behold!  Oops, I digress, this piece is about the baby cooling off...


Jennifer said…
Love the way you improvised! Beautiful baby and cute shot!
Anonymous said…
That's what I call being creative! Love it..and your daughter is precious!
Anonymous said…
Hi there! I'm following you back from the blog hop. Nice to meet you! Your daughter is so precious! I love the beverage container pool.

Sarah K.