One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Three Ways for Working Moms to Look Glamorous

Woman applying cosmetics to her lips.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Still, our frantic schedules and busy lives ought not be excuses for looking haggard. In reality, the question often becomes how can you fake it until your weary soul matches the rested image you would like to project. The answer is--cosmetics!

As a busy mom you need cosmetics that really work. You have no time for routines that require energy, but are ineffective.

Use a Double Duty Moisturizer + Shimmer: I use a moisturizer that has vitamin C as an active ingredient. It keeps my skin supple and even toned. Gotta love that! I'm not brand loyal though. As it relates to make up, unless it's a very special occasion I don't bother with foundation or powder. In my opinion they can clog the skin and is unnecessary unless it’s a special occasion. I do mix a little shimmer lotion with my moisturizer. It tends to give me a glow.

Step Away From the Computer and Buy Some Eye Cream and Concealer, Immediately: If you don’t already know, eye cream + a good concealer can cure a lot of ills. If you don’t believe me, just try it. Eye cream makes the little wrinkles pop out so that there’s a smooth canvas for your concealer. If you start wearing concealer next week people will start congratulating you on getting your baby to sleep. I wear concealer everyday and people at work have told me that I don’t look like I have a newborn. Trust me, I have a baby and I am pulled in a lot of directions. Sleep is in short supply at my house. The only reason for the compliment is mommy’s little helper, “Laura Mercier’s Secret Camouflage Concealer”. If it weren’t for this concealer I promise you I’d look like a complete hag! (I mention this brand because it has consistently produced a well rested appearance for me even when I have had minimal sleep. I know it's a bit pricey and may not be practical for other moms.  So, feel free to fine one that works for you.)

Mascara and Lip Gloss or a Tinted Lip Balm are Essentials: The other two things you need to look well rested are mascara and lip gloss. Mascara makes your eyes pop! If you don’t know what that means, put some on and you will totally understand. Your eyes can go from droopy, “I was up at 2 AM, 4 AM, and 6 AM nursing this baby eyes” to “Good morning, I will have that report for you by the end of the day eyes” in 60 seconds. I kid you not! The lip gloss or tinted lip balm finish your look. (BTW--I use drug store mascara and lip gloss and nobody is the wiser.  Although I guess everyone knows now... :-))

I promise you can do this entire beauty routine in about 7 minutes and look like a star!

Stay tuned for how you can improvise when you don’t have 7 extra minutes! Also, I have an upcoming entry about a rather unglamorous day at work.  However, I lived to tell about it so that I can help you avoid the same mistake! :-)

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Anonymous said…
I needed to read this a few years ago! lol However, I love the tips about eye cream. You got me thinking about buying some anyway. ;)
Anonymous said…
I am going to step away and get the eye cream!!!!
Elizabeth said…
My name is Elizabeth, Four years ago, i tested herpes Virus (HSV-2) positive and i was told that there is no cure that i will live with it till i die, The shock of knowing that the Virus has no cure was something that scared me most. I was never feeling good because each time i intend to be happy, the thought that there is no cure will come into my mind and i will just be sad once more. I lose weight unknowingly to me and it was as if i was going to die, everyday is always ful of fear. After four years as i was online, i came accross a testimony about how Doctor Ojeabulu has done so many things and cure so many people then i showed my Doctor that there is a herbal cure for the Virus and the Doctor said there is nothing as such. I decided to give it a try because my present condition was nothing to write about then i write to the email i saw online and he responded and told me all that i need to know. I told my friend and she told me never to believe anything i saw online, i believe her because i was scammed earlier. But i wanted to change my condition then i proceed with the purchase of Doctor Ojeabulu medicine. After some days that i purchased the medicine then i started observing some changes in my health and i went to the hospital and i tested negative.
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