One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

The Baby Goes to Church…

Previously I wrote about an unsuccessful attempt by the baby and me to make it to church.

You’ll be pleased to know that we have improved our track record. Today was different. Today we made it!

It was as if the stars aligned. It was a bright, sunny day in Pittsburgh. The baby took an early nap and awakened in time to get washed and ready in time for the last service at the church around the corner. We still missed attending my family church across town, but I think that God is cool with that, even if my grandmother isn't.

Fortunately, the baby’s mother had the good sense to apply her make up and do her hair while the baby was napping. So, we both got ready rather quickly and off we went for our fix of word and worship.

I was quite impressed with us. We were present and accounted for and wearing nice dresses. We actually had a good time in church, for a while…

Now that she is on the other side of one, the baby has a new attitude. Actually, it’s the same attitude, she’s just more comfortable expressing it.

She knows what she wants. Generally, what she wants is to move!

During service we had very different agendas. So, I spent a lot of the service trying to convince her to stay in my arms. She spent a lot of time trying to break free from my hold. I let her get down once and she proceeded to take off her socks and put her mouth on the chair. YUCK!!! Germs are everywhere, even in God’s house.

She got into the service though. The music and the people really got her going. Unfortunately, she thought that the call and response portion of the service lasted for the entire service. Long after the pastor was seeking responses, she kept giving them to him. Perhaps they were her version of “Amen”???

Initially, the adult parishioners were slightly amused. In contrast, the baby behind her was incredibly amused. He joined in right with her. They were enthusiastic. They were happy. And they were loud. Perhaps they were having a religious experience incomprehensible to anyone over 1 ½ ! Those around us began to stare and made clear that whatever the babies were experiencing should be experienced elsewhere.

So I left service we enjoyed the service from the lobby. As luck would have it, there’s a glass wall and you can still see and hear the service. I was standing and my arms were tired. So I used the ledge for support and held the baby while she stood. Being able to see the service and not be able to participate was too much for her to take. She began to pound on the glass wall. Of course everybody turned and stared. It may just be me, but their looks seemed to say, “look lady get that kid under control!” Then the lobby usher came up to me and said, “You know they can hear her when she does that.” What a smart guy he is!

At that point, as if on cue, I saw a bunch of moms leaving the service with babies. I think all the babies revolted at the same time! All us moms silently packed up our strollers and left. Oh well, next Sunday is another day!
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Glad you all made it to church.
Anonymous said…
Love it ! takes me back when mine were little, there should be a special service where the smallest one could join in and sing their song to God, I am sure the Lord enjoys the free, out of the heart songs of the innocent souls the most!
coronaryrn said…
LOL...How well I remember when mine were young! Just keep in mind they do grow up! LOL...If you haven't yet, Please Follow back Parga's Junkyard Blogand on facebook as well as on my new networking site Like it Ladder Thanks!
Kathy Sykes said…
LOL! I can relate to this sooo much. I had major anxiety about my baby boy going to church, but being the pastor's wife, I couldn't stay at home. Luckily, my Mom was there too to help. Pretty much if your baby girl is not screaming at the top of her lungs, people will understand. Don't leave the service unless there is puke, pee, or uncontrollable screaming going on. You will be suprised who around you can help you out. Good Luck!