The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Twitter Tuesday!

I am all about moms helping other moms succeed. To that end, I am starting a tradition on this blog.  Every Tuesday from now on is Twitter Tuesday!  I will promote other women who tweet.  This Tuesday I am promoting moms. 

I've just decided to promote moms first because out of everyone on the Twitter universe I could relate the most to them. You don't have to be a mother to follow these ladies though.  Their tips are universal!  So, please follow the moms below on Twitter. You'll be happy you did!

1. @RickisMommy

2. @workingmoms247

3. @commercialmommy

4. @cocoamom

5. @kourtneykardash

6. @hollyrpeete

7. @bethenny

8. @workingmomsonly

9. @heidimurkoff

10. @ShabbyChicMom

11. @cammiescorner

12. @1storybuilding

13. @mamacreates

14. @karensugarpants

15. @mommydigger
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Anonymous said…
What a cool idea! I already follow some of these great moms, I will check out the list.