One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

It's Christmas in Pittsburgh!

I greeted Christmas wistfully. Andre and I wanted to create our own traditions. So, this year we didn't stay over at my parents' home Christmas eve.  We didn't wear our matching red pajamas and I didn't wake up surrounded by my family. 

The baby remains on her own schedule.  While she has been captivated by the shiny paper, the lights and bells, she has been blithely unaware of the holiday season.  She appears to be as amused as she was on her birthday.  She thinks it's fun, but doesn't seem to know what all of the fuss is about.

Of course the adults understand that the fuss is about the Baby Jesus and our own little baby.  And like the wise men before us, we showered the baby with lots of gifts.

It might sound like an idyllic Christmas, but this is Chaton's World and not a fairy tale.  So, this tale has a twist.

We had a different sort of Christmas. Last year, I woke up Christmas morning the way that I have my whole life--in my parents' home wearing red pajamas like my mother and sister.  Last year was different though. Andre and the baby joined me and they had their own pajamas. It was sweet.

This year, Andre wanted to start our own tradition. So, we slept at home on Christmas Eve.  However, unless our tradition is waking up late, delaying opening gifts and doing housework we didn't establish our own tradition.  Instead, Christmas seemed like any other Sunday and not a particularly nice one. 

I was disappointed. I had expectations. I know that I am highly evolved, but I began to think that "This Christmas sucks." 

It is a thin line between disappointment and ungrateful and I almost crossed it.

I'd like to say that thought lasted only momentarily.  However, it lasted a couple of hours.  Even while that thought was resonating with me I felt guilty.  The notion of Christmas sucking offended my Christian sensibilities.

I was right.  That feeling was an affront to my blessings.  I began to realize that just because our Christmas did not conform with my cinematic dreams did not mean that it was not blessed.  It just took me some time to realize it.

Here is what I realized...

My entire family celebrated Christmas together safe and sound.  Andre and I are employed, a huge blessing in this economy.  We have a home full of love.  Our energy bills are paid. The appliances work.  And we like each other, we REALLY like each other!  We have everything we need and most of what we want, including money to buy presents.  Also, we spent Christmas Eve attending my parents' annual party.

God is good and so is our life.

Once I reflected on what we have instead of on what I wanted I felt better. I felt blessed. And I felt happy.  At 9:00PM after dinner and presents I think that I finally got it.  Any Christmas that I spend with my family is a good one.  I hope that I never forget that again!

I know that I sound like friggin' Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz", but I do feel like I clicked my heels together and found the truth. 

Don't worry though, I have not become sanctimonious.  Tomorrow I will likely have a relapse.  But please bare with me.  Life is an exercise in living.  And I remain committed to learning the necessary lessons.  I just can't promise you that I will get the lessons the first time.  I'll continue to share my journey with you though.

And at the risk of being politically incorrect, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!" 

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cris said…
I am now following you! Your Christmas seemed so exciting I really enjoyed reading it! Looking forward to great posts in the new year
My first Christmas not waking up at home with my family felt something like this. I had to check myself too. I think that changing old traditions is hard especially when you have so many fond memories to reflect back on. Hope you all had a blessed New Year's!
momto8 said…
I never heard of the red pajamas tradition ...sounds fun!! You pictures are wonderful! Happy new Year to you and your family!
anthony stemke said…
Hey Chaton, did your red pajamas have a green Christmas tree and/or holly on the front of the top and sides of the bottom?
You all should listen to Handel's "Messiah" or your favourite Christmas music (like "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" or "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" for example).
Start a tradition with your own personal festive meal plan.
They probably have childrens' Christmas picture books for toddlers. This will give the child a little head start.
The child is adorable, especially the one holding a bell while being held.
You're a great mama Chaton; Have a very Happy and prosperous New Year.
Anonymous said…
hi following from bloggy moms, tks for stopping by and following my blog
rgds, dalys (aka burundanguitas)
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful little girl! So happy to be following you back.
Thanks to all of you for your interest in this post AND for taking the time to comment. I'm certain we'll re-define our traditions as time goes by. Anthony we get a new pair of red pajamas every year as a present. I don't think that we've ever had holly, but we've had cotton, satin and silk!

What are some of your favorite holiday traditions???