One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Twitter Tuesday!

All of us Tweeters get to star in our own reality TV shows. We get to define how we are perceived and we hope that someone, anyone, is watching.  Some people say that they Tweet for other reasons. But nobody is manipulating their thoughts into 140 characters unless they want someone to read it.

This week I have discovered the moms listed below who are living la vida and Tweeting away.  Here are some things that caught my attention. I discovered a mom who had four children before 20, has raised them and is still fabulous! I found a mom who is married to a minister. The fact that manages to live in that fishbowl, raise her children and still finds time to Tweet makes me think that she actually may be a saint!
I discovered a new social network for working moms that I have gravitated to like a moth to a flame. Being a working mother is an exercise in patience, humility and continuous readjusting.  I need all of the help that I can get!

I have found moms who are committed to their children and to running.  As a lapsed runner turned inconsistent runner they inspire me to do better.  Is the Pittsburgh ½ marathon in the cards for me this Spring? Maybe it is if I can get a little more inspiration from my Twitter friends! I’ll keep you posted!

I have been particularly encourage by the moms who brutally honest about motherhood, the blessed, the boring, and the balancing. Being a mother takes everything you have and then a little bit more. However, comprehensive tales of motherhood are incredibly hard to find.  A lot of folks only focus on the glamorous and neglect to share the gritty.  For that reason, I am eternally grateful to Twitter for helping me find MY people—those moms who are refreshingly honest.
For good measure I included an actress and a supermodel.  In reality they are not really MY people.  However, I think that Twitter also leaves a little room for fantasy!

(I know it’s no longer Tuesday on EST. However, last night I fell asleep mid-blog post.  It’s gotta still be Tuesday somewhere…)
Since I'm giving a shout out to moms who have taught me lessons. I thought I'd post a photo of my mom, the baby and me.
1.       @mochamomma
  1. @kathysykes
  2. @manicmommies Massachusetts
  3. @mom101
  4. @babbletoddler
  5. @earlymama
  6. @momofthreeunder
  7. @mommyshorts
  8. @mcmamma
  9. @mommydigger
  10. @momondealz
  11. @this_mama_knows_this
  12. @cindycrawford
  13. @alilandry
  14. @the818
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Hi Chaton,

Twitter is becoming my new fav - and I am still learning the ropes!

Will follow you and tweet your post!

Many thanks!
Kathy said…
Thanks for the shout out! I was just reading this post and saying wow she met "another" mom married to a minister that is raising kids in a fishbowl. I wonder who she is? Then I scrolled down and saw my twitter handle. THAT MADE MY DAY!
Kathy said…
Thanks for the shout out! I didn't even know you were talking about me until I scrolled down and saw my twitter handle. I was going to try and find out who this woman married to a minister was! LOL!
Kathy, That's classic! Glad to have made your day!!!