One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Twitter Tuesday!

Yes. This post is late, again. I fell asleep last night on my sofa with my laptop and good intentions, again. I didn’t wake up until 3AM and was so foggy I figured I ought not post anything at that hour.
Admittedly, the title of this post is at best misleading and at worst an outright lie. I could rename it “Twitter Wednesday”, but I think you’d agree that lacks the same panache.  Besides, I think it may still be Tuesday somewhere. Even if it isn't, I think that I can declare it Tuesday in Chaton's World and I have! :-)

Like you, I am in the home stretch of preparing for the holidays. Since we celebrate Christmas, I am trying with all deliberate speed to get to December 25th with my shopping done, packages wrapped and cookies baked. I’m having some challenges, but I'll write more about that later.

In the meantime, below is a list of moms who are Tweeting away. I started Tweeting to promote my blog.  However, I am drawn to Twitter because it connects me to people who inspire me and make me laugh. The women listed below do both. 

They juggle multiple children, step-children and home businesses.  One was born overseas, but is "western by choice".  Some are professional writers and some manage to keep their houses clean and look great too. They are not Stepford wives. They are real women who are taking motherhood by the mammary glands! Along with Julie Chen they are my idols! I'd give anything for a clean house and a talk show.  (Hey Julie you should have amateur day on "The Talk" and invite me to participate.  Santa, please help a sister out!)

It might also be kind of cool to be "a lady in France" like one of the Tweeters I found instead of being a "lawyer in Pittsburgh".  One mom has a Louis Vuitton bag as her profile shot. Either she's on the payroll, she's a huge fan, or owns a lot of them.  I have no idea, which category she's a part of, but I am intrigued.  If you are too, follow all of the ladies listed below!

1.       @JulieChen

2.       @samanthaettus

3.       @shopaholicmom (photo is a Louis Vuitton bag)

4.       @MothersHideaway

5.       @HHMStephanie

6.       @Aladyinfrance

7.       @CoolWhipMom

8.       @Mofthesea

9.       @makingitworkmom

10.   @jscogdell

11.   @NOLAGRLinOC

12.   @MamasViewfinder

13.   @TatterScoops

14.   @lrwhitney

15.   @halfwayblonde

(Don't you love the shot of the baby in this post?!  What hope! What wonder! What joy!)
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anthony stemke said…
The baby is adorable Chaton.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas.
Tina Swithin said…
Love your blog-- and your baby is precious! Thanks for sharing ;)
