The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Twitter Tuesday…

It’s the holidays!  Since I am off work this week I have been enjoying my holidays with my family .  I debated forgoing Twitter Tuesday, but thought better of it. Instead, I decided to share a list of top Tweeters from another source.  I cheated a little, but please don't judge me!

Here is the list of Top 50 Best Twitter Moms published by "The Babble" in 2010. 

These moms deserve recognition.  They are funny, witty, and likable. A few of them have been profiled on Chaton’s World before.  I generally don't re-post.  However, this holiday week I’ll make an exception.
Visit Babble’s post to read the entire list to see the list of fantastic Tweeters. And play close attention to @GretchenRubin, Gretchen Rubin, author of the Happiness Project.  She looks for the silver lining in every day events and inspires me.  My plan is to transform my home into a “Happiness Project” in 2011.

Who’s with me?!

[The photo is from last Christmas, the baby's first. I cannot believe how much she's grown since then!]

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