One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Motherhood: Babies, Blogging and Happiness

KJ Dell’Antonia from who writes “Motherlode” for the New York Times a blog that discusses adventures in parenting wrote a piece that says that blogging makes new moms happier. Apparently, Brandon T. McDaniel, a Ph.D. candidate at Penn State University has studied nearly 160 mothers and reached this conclusion. You can read KJ’s piece at

Here are my thoughts. In an ode to Decartes, I think therefore I write. I write therefore I blog!

How I Started Blogging

Blogging found me on a plane returning from Cabo San Lucas several years ago. I had gone to Cabo to prove a point to a now ex-boyfriend who doubted that I would go on vacation without him. My trip was just one of the many things that he proved to be wrong about. But I digress…

On my trip home I began talking to a man sitting next to me. For you salacious types, this man did not become a great romance or even a romantic interest. However, he did change my life.

During our conversation I mentioned that my love of writing had been relatively unfulfilled. He said, in no uncertain terms, you need to start a blog. I would be hard-pressed to remember his name, but I will be eternally grateful to him. Our conversation is what gave birth to the online version of Chaton’s World.

Blogging Has Been Therapeutic

Having this blog has provided me with a forum to satisfy my love of writing and has been therapeutic. If you have followed me for a while you know that I have shared my many tales of heartbreak, sickness, and triumph. Sprinkled in have also been tales of my political involvement, tales of love, and the miracle of my pregnancy and my beautiful baby.

Having my baby transformed me into a real life mommy blogger! That was a natural transition for me and being a mother has given more energy and focus to my blog. Also, it has helped me deal with the challenges of motherhood. Having the blog has also given me a greater forum to share my joys. And I am always thrilled to get a comment so that I know that others are “listening”, inspired, and interested in what I have to say.

Blogging Has Made Me a Happier Mom

Has blogging made me a happier mom? Definitely. Being a mother has made me more interesting because my followers have quadrupled since I started writing about being a mom. So that has made me really happy! :-)Seriously though, having a blog has helped me to be happier by giving me an outlet to do what I love. And since I am completely in control of Chaton’s World it feeds my inner control freak in a way that parenting and my work demands do not.

Since I began blogging before becoming a parent I don’t know what parenting would have been like without it. And I am glad that I don’t have to wonder.

My name is Chatón and I am a HAPPY mommy blogger!!!
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Carolina said…
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Unknown said…
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following u dear
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Terri. said…
I am your newest GFC follower and Twitter! Only 9 more to 200!!! Great blog! OMG!! Your baby is SOOO cute!!! Love the pearls!
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I will also follow you on twitter. My twitter is @brainlessmomof7

Happy blogging!!
Amanda said…
Love how this is the story of the reason why you started blogging! Awesome!
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