One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

I am mothering in flats, but they are by Tory Burch!

Rosie Pope is famous for her show, "Pregnant in Heels".  I was all about my heels while I was pregnant and am wore the cutest Miu Miu patent leather low boots to work today.  However, on the weekends with my baby I am mothering in flats, but they are "Tory Burch" and I am partial to my "Uggs" too.

As you can tell.  I am a mom who loves fashion, but I am not alone. Who knew?!  Now because of Melissa Gerstein and fellow mom blogger Denise Albert the fashion world does.

Thanks to Melissa and Denise moms were highlighted during New York's Fashion Week.  (check out the link below) They even used mommy bloggers as models.

I am thrilled for them, but green with envy.  Why didn't I think of that?!  I love fashion and attending a fashion show during fashion week is on my bucket list.  I never even dreamed about walking the runway.  I am only 5'2", have "aggressive hips" and am not very model-like.  I do however, do a great impression of a mom.  Now that I know that moms are walking the runway perhaps I'll get my day.  I'll just have to be sure to wear some very high heels! :-)

My dream of going to a show may come true next Fashion Week.  My new Twitter friend Julia Allison has promised me to take me to a fashion show during the next Fashion Week if I can make my way to New York.  I have my fingers crossed that I can make that work.  I REALLY want to go to a show and I think that going with Julia would be WAY cool.  Julia is an expert in becoming internet famous and I know that I could learn a lot from her.  We'll see what happens!|pregnant+in+heels|Pregnant+In+Heels|G_AlwaysOn&sky=ggl|pregnant+in+heels|Pregnant+In+Heels|G_AlwaysOn&gclid=CM3OtPSE3q8CFUJx4Aod4AwF2Q
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