One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Mommy Confession: I Want an iPhone badly!!!

I just saw a commercial about the iPhone  and I was finally able to articulate what I have been feeling for some time.  I am a second class citizen because I don’t have one.  It’s ironic that I saw the commercial today and articulated my feeling so clearly after attending church where message was about overcoming inferiority.

Why I Want an iPhone

It’s not that I am deeply insecure. It is that the iPhone  is better than my phone.  There is really no point in denying it. It is the holy grail of cell phones. It is cool and functional.  All of my friends who have them casually brag about their iPhone S.  They show me their photos, which are as nearly as good as any taken by a Canon.  They effortlessly post the photos on Facebook.  They have face time. They email. They get directions. You want it. They got it. They are so cool.

I see them with it and get a little jealous. I guess you could say that I covet one.  Oops! Those are both inappropriate feelings on a Sunday. I am pretty sure that my Sunday School instructor told me that jealousy was bad.  I also think that there was a specific directive not to covet other people’s things.  Maybe I just lust for one.  WAIT!  Lusting is on the list of seven deadly sins.  I learned that from a movie with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.  I guess there’s no acceptable to express my feelings so I will just have to repent later.
Just so you know, I am getting no compensation from Apple.  I am just a jealous mom lusting after the hot technology.  Hopefully, my provider will get the iPhone soon.  Because I want to be cool. I want to be in the club.  I want an iPhone .

Knowing me though, even if my provider starts carrying them I might get cheap and stick with the free phone they give me every couple years.  The truth is, I’ve never been that cool.  A mom can dream though!
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Unknown said…
Wow, this sounds like me lol! I love new technology but I'm behind. I always wait for my year to get the free upgrade. I currently have a LG Chocolate that was popular like three years ago. I'm on my first touchscreen while everyone else is on their second or third smart phone. Two weeks ago my grandmother told me she upgraded to a Droid. That was the last straw, so i'm upgrading to a droid on Tuesday even if it is the 2nd model. But with the smartphones also comes the higher package price to!

Thanks for the follow, I am following you as well!
anthony stemke said…
Hi Chaton, my spouse, the Education Tipster, has i phone, they are much more than a phone. If you ever get one you will not ever want to not have one.
Heidi said…
I am also wanting an iPhone. Weird how not having a particular phone makes us feel that way, but they are very cool. I agree about the picture quality (Oh my goodness!). Makes my Droid look like a play phone, lol! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I am now following you as well :)