One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Mommy Confession: Phone Time is often a Disaster!

Toddler moms have lots of secrets. We don’t tell our friends that we fall asleep on the couch a lot. We are in need of a pedicure more often than we’d like. And, although we love our friends and families dearly talking on the phone can be a bit of a challenge.
Here is a glimpse into what is likely going on in the homes of toddler moms when we are speaking with you on the phone.
Generally my daughter wants to hold the phone herself. She likes to take it and press the buttons. If she isn't allowed to do that she will pitch a fit unless she finds something else to distract her. 

The other evening I was on the phone with a realtor and she marveled at how good my baby is.  Her comments were based on what she could hear. However, what she couldn’t see told the real story. 
My cute, angelic looking daughter was single-handedly trashing my house.

She was in my kitchen opening the cupboards like she had some shopping to do. She pulled out a box of crackers and helped herself to one. As she chewed her cracker and enjoyed her snack she scanned the cupboard some more. She seemed to evaluate her options. Apparently, the “Fiber One” bars caught her fancy. She opened the box and dumped out the contents. Out fell six “Fiber One” bars. They were wrapped in shiny wrappers and made noise. She loved them.  However, finding them sparked her curiosity and made her think that there were more fun things to find. So, she kept exploring.

She went to the Lazy Susan and found individual packets of noodle soup. They also made cool sounds. However, she was even more intrigued by them than she was by the “Fiber One” bars. She actually sat down on the floor and got comfortable. I was excited because she was quiet. Then I thought she was too quiet. As soon as I had that thought there were noodles all over the floor.  I had forgotten that I had opened a soup container to use the seasoning packet. Even though there were about ten sealed noodle packets she was attracted to the open one. When she discovered that it was open she looked at me with glee. She had hit the baby jack pot!
After the noodle discovery she kept going.  I lost track at that point. I was talking to the realtor trying to learn more about a house and my baby kept taking things out of the cupboard and putting them on the floor. By the time I got off of the phone there was stuff everywhere!

I would like to say that this was an isolated incident.  However, it wasn’t atypical. It happens all of the time.  Based on my experience this is one of the things that goes with the toddler mom territory.  Then again, I may just be failing at controlling my kid! 

A messy house seems to be the price I pay to enjoy some phone time!
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Sadie D said…
AGREED! Haha! Glad that just doesn't happened to me! I was on the phone with my wedding photographer and my 2 boys, then 1.5 and almost 3, were, what sounded like, playing nicely in their room. What I didn't realize was that they had a large bag of Tootie Frooties cereal and dumped it everywhere. No wonder they sounded like angels :)
I don't have a toddler but I cannot stand talking on the phone anymore. Too many distractions and too much to do. Just text me!