One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Style Tip For My Stylish Friends: Romare Bearden Centennial Celebration at Macy's (nationwide)

This February, Macy’s celebrates Black History Month with special events and exhibits dedicated to famed artist Romare Bearden. In conjunction with the Romare Bearden Foundation, Macy’s honors the rich history and legacy of the incomparable artist, writer and musician in celebration of this year’s 100th anniversary of his birth.   

Macy's is honoring him by hosting a series of free events for the public.  This is an opportunity for moms and their friends to have some stylish fun.  And, the kids can come!

In exchange for your RSVP you gain access to the event and receive goodie bags.  How cool is that?!

I am already registered for the Pittsburgh event, which is this Thursday, February 9th at 5:00 PM at the downtown Macy's.  If you are in Pittsburgh, contact this number to
                      RSVP: 1-888-622-9769.               

For other cities, visit the following site for additional information:

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