The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Working Mom Mix Up

I don’t often crave a do over. But this morning, I want to start the day again. Instead of venturing out into the cold rainy day mistakenly believing that I had a 7:30 AM meeting, I want to be right. I want to be careful. And I want to be in bed.
Had I not been confused about my calendar, I would have pressed snooze and cuddled with Andre for another thirty minutes. I would have pretended that it was the weekend, if just for a little while, when I could choose to remain in the house all day and be focused on taking care of and playing with my baby. 
Instead, I braved the elements only to arrive in an empty conference room, wet and wondering if I had the wrong meeting location.  I had a moment of panic.  Then, I checked my Blackberry once again and realized that I had misread it. The 7:30 AM meeting is actually tomorrow.  Oh, well. I guess today was a dry run, well not really… 

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