One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Peek into the Life of a Blogging Mom: Sunday

Today was a terrific spring day in Pittsburgh. There was warm weather and sunshine!

I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Still, the day unfolded differently than I had planned.

I did some cleaning, although as I type this post at 11:00PM my efforts aren't obvious. I found myself scrubbing the floor in the powder room, wiping down cabinets and cleaning the fan above the kitchen. Now stuff has accumulated in the kitchen. Shall I clean up again?

Nah... I think I'll finish this post and have a night cap. Lent is over and I can indulge a bit!

I fully intended to go to the mall and get my sunglasses repaired. A few weeks ago we went to dinner with friends and I gave Andre my Kate Spade sunglasses to hold while I tried to keep track of the baby. When he returned them they were scratched. I accept some responsibility because I should have brought the case.  Still, his denial about being at least partly culpable for the scratch irked. No big deal though. I secured another pair from Smart Bargains for a song. However, I still want my original ones repaired. They are dark tortoise shell with an orange lining. They are a little different, quite cute, and worth repairing.

So, after cleaning, I got the toddler dressed, put on my skinny jeans, pink tunic and Tory Burch flats and prepared to go to the mall in search of somebody to fix my sunglasses. As soon as I got outside I changed my mind. Nothing excites someone who lives in Pittsburgh more than sunshine. And having a sunny April day with 80 degree temperatures made me lose my mind.
Seeing how nice the day was warranted a change in the game plan! I immediately abandoned my quest for the mall, did an about face, changed my clothes from stylish to sporty, exchanged the Tory Burch flats for Asics sneakers and decided to go for a brisk walk.

I was fortunate enough to be joined on my walk by my good friend Kezia. She lives close and we often catch up while we walk. We explored the North Shore, the North Side, and downtown Pittsburgh. We even enjoyed a nice lunch at Atria’s.

The nap time gods smiled on me too!  I left for the walk when it was time for the toddler’s nap. I decided to go anyway, hoping that she would sleep along the way. I just couldn’t let such a nice day go to waste! The toddler was a trooper. She was in good spirits for the walk and drifted to sleep somewhere around mile 3. When we stopped for lunch she woke up and ate a few bites.
The toddler and I went to the grocery store too. One of the funny things that I have ever seen was watching the toddler act like an orange was a ball. She can make a toy out of anything!
That's enough blogging for now. Sweet dreams!

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Anonymous said…
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