Happy Belated New Year!!!

                         HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  Things have already been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time, trying to make a difference.  I share my experiences on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. As the New Year unfolds, I am filled with a variety of emotions—wistfulness, joy, and heartfelt gratitude.  

A Peek Into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: The Weekend

I had high hopes to complete some posts about my life last week. I had the opportunity to attend an event with our First Lady, Michelle Obama. Cool right? I never had time to complete that post. Perhaps I'll get to do it today...

I also wrote a piece about the so-called Mommy Wars inspired by comments made by a political strategist who criticized Ann Romney. I think that my piece is inspired. It needs to be proofed though. And I haven't found the time.  Instead, I had a really fun weekend and wound up falling asleep on my couch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights with my lap top in front of me.  Don't judge me!

Here's what I was doing. I attended a lovely luncheon sponsored by a wonderful organization, the Bartko Foundation. (Read More About the Bartko Foundation) It was an excuse to dress up and spend an afternoon with my mother and some friends. It also gave me the opportunity to support an organization that provides funding to minority single mothers to help them attain self-sufficiency.  It was started by three sisters who wanted to make a difference.  How cool is that?!

Yesterday, I cleaned up, cooked dinner and then attended a play with friends called "In The Next Room" at the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theater.  It was funny and creative.  I never thought about how the invention of electricity led to the creation of the vibrator, but I guess it did.  I can't believe that the playwright wrote about it and the play is touring. It just goes to show that when you call it "art" people cut you a lot of slack!

After the play, I had a quick drink with friends and went home for a family dinner.

It was a great Sunday!

Hopefully, I'll complete those other posts today
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