One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Biggest Loser Resort: Great Opportunity to Lose the Baby Weight at a discount

A girl in my building is seven months pregnant and she is worried about losing the baby weight.  Losing the baby weight is a common concern, even if you hadn't heard all of the commentators picking on Jessica Simpson who apparently approached pregnancy by eating her weight in Krispy Kreme donuts. 

No judgment. However, Simpson gained A LOT of weight.  It looked like she enjoyed her pregnancy and had a healthy daughter so who cares? Jessica does. It's fairly easy to be fat and happy you during your pregnancy. However, as soon as you deliver, you want to get your sexy back! I believe that Ms. Simpson is going to be a spokesperson for Jenny Craig and take advantage of their weight loss plan to lose her weight.

If you are holding on to your baby weight tighter than your baby holds on to her pacifier...  Or you have been drinking your weight in Budweiser and eating your weight in hot dogs since baseball season started and it has caught up with you. Or you would like to don a bikini this summer and need to lose a few pounds. The Biggest Loser Resort can help.

Please see below for more information:

Are  you overweight? Frustrated by an endless diet cycle? Ready to take  control of your health? Just like contestants on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, you CAN have a life changing experience-- at The Biggest Loser  Resorts.

The  Biggest Loser Resorts cater to REAL people seeking REAL weight loss  results. A team of certified trainers, nutritionists, life coaches, and  world-class chefs have one goal, to help you lose weight. Are you ready  to experience a week of great fitness, delicious spa cuisine,  enlightening education and wonderful camaraderie? Bring a friend to any  of the three Biggest Loser Resorts (Malibu, Utah or Niagara) for a week  between July 29th and September 16th and your friend comes at 50% off the standard weekly rate (or combine it and you both come at 25% off!).

Reservations  must be made by July 31, 2012. (There's limited availability, so be  sure to book quickly.) Additional terms and conditions apply, so contact  their customer service representatives at this special number to 877-423-2760 learn more. Or visit

Terms and conditions: Available for double occupancy only in Utah and Niagara. Single or  Double Occupancy in Malibu. This offer cannot be combined with any other  offers. If booking multiple weeks, this offer applies only to the first  week. Transportation, taxes, spa treatments, private training, and  amenities not  included. Scheduling is subject to availability. Reservations must be  made by July 31, 2012, and stays must occur in the time frame referenced  above. The Biggest Loser Resort reserves the right to end this offer any  time.
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