The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Guest Post: Request for Assistance

Below is a request from a PhD student who planning to complete her dissertation on the topic of African-American Mom Blogs. As a reader of this blog, she would love your feedback. Below is more information:

Calling all readers of African-American mom blogs!

Hi, I'm author, doctoral candidate, and editor Shonell Bacon, and I am conducting a study on the blogging practices of African-American mom bloggers.

I invite you to participate in my study by taking a survey geared toward readers of these blogs.

To understand the blogging practices of African-American mom bloggers, it is important to explore the readers of these blogs. Your participation in the survey will enable me to do that.

The online survey consists of 23 questions. It will take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.

Names and e-mail addresses will not be used in this research.

If you are interested in participating, please click the following link that will take you to the survey at SurveyMonkey Once you arrive at the link, you will read a short introduction before clicking “Next” to begin the survey.

Again, if you are interested in participating, please click the following link:

If you have any questions, you can contact Shonell at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Shonell Bacon, Doctoral Candidate,

Dr. Craig Baehr, Associate Professor,
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Shonell Bacon said…
Thank you for posting this!