One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Mommy Mondays: An Embarassing "Private" Moment

Moms who blog know that there are no truly private moments, much to the angst of our spouses and partners. They may wish for privacy, but "privacy" is like the holy grail. Mommy bloggers have heard about it, but they've never seen it.

Today I have no secrets. As I type this post I smell the faint smell of poop coming from my foot...

This evening we had an incident. 

The toddler has been under the weather for several days. She has been cranky and has had a low grade fever. As her over-protective mother I have been concerned and I have been treating her symptoms with hugs, acetaminophen, and breast milk.  Historically, Andre and I have disagreed about my over-zealous pursuit of medical advice.  Accordingly, I have been exercising great restraint.

I deserve a friggin' medal!  Normally, this illness would have driven me to seek "express care". By the grace of God, the toddler has been improving. 

However, God failed to clearly communicate the recovery plan to me. It appears that his plan involved poop and lots of it. I wish that I had gotten the memo. Receiving it would have saved me some distress and some grossed out moments!

After dinner, which the toddler refused to eat, she was cranky. I tried to appease her with all of the tricks that I knew. I played the Pottery Barn "Let's Dance!" CD that she loves so much. I sang to her. I read her favorite stories. I tried to play with her. She responded by pouring pasta on the floor, whining and pushing me in the face.

It was not my finest parenting moment. However, because I have no shame, I am sharing my experience.

At 20 months old, my toddler is an enigma. I am trying to figure her out, but I am struggling mightily.

This evening she was whining and touching her diaper. Believing that she might have a Urinary Tract Infection or some similar malady, I took off her diaper and investigated her private parts. I am pleased to report that everything looked normal.

Since it was close to her bedtime, I took her off of the changing table and placed her on the floor in her bare feet as I got her towel and wash cloth. She was as naked as a Jay Bird and she was happy! That happiness must have moved her bowels because she started to grunt a bit. As an intune mom, I recognized that sound and picked her up and quickly moved towards the bathroom and the toilet.

Regrettably, I was not fast enough. Before I knew it, there was poop on the floor, but not before it hit my foot. Did I mention that we have off white carpet?!

I was on the floor with my sister, Jeryn, as this happened. I got some toilet paper to collect the mess and placed it into the toilet. As I was telling her about the incident, I noticed poop on the floor in two separate places. Can you say "Grossed out" ?! I may need life long therapy!

I couldn't be mad though. After she pooped, the toddler was much happier. And that was what I had hoped for.  Besides, the only reason the poop was on the floor was because I was a delinquent mom.  Oh yeah, I also let her eat all of those Sun Maid Raisins instead of dinner... Don't judge me!!!

Toddler enjoying her raisins. (It appears that they were actually by Giant Eagle. Don't judge me!)

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