With the price of diapers, food, and clothes all parents appreciate a good deal. Also, most kids have a constant need for entertainment and that adds up too. So, we parents need to find ways to save money on that too.
Here's an opportunity to get discount passes to
Idlewild Park and SoakZone. It's a perfect deal for parents, grandparents, and anybody who knows some kids! Also, it's early July and we have already had a long, hot summer. So, wouldn't it be great to visit the Soak Zone and cool off?!
Just click on the link below to save $7 off of the $33.99 regular fun day pass.
We haven't visited the park yet, but plan to do so. I've heard great things about it though. Also, here's
Here's what Wikipedia says about the park:
So, use the deal, save some money, and have some good family fun!