One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Mommy Mondays: Working Mom Woes (The Loaner Car)

Driving a new car is like holding a newborn baby. You start feeling things you haven’t felt in a while and the next thing you know you’re fantasizing about how great your life could be with another one!

People get impressed because I drive a Lexus.  Often they fail to realize that I bought it used and now my car is twelve years old. I am generally pleased with it. It looks good and it’s reliable.  I did have to take it to the dealer for air conditioner repair a few weeks ago.  Since this is the hottest summer in my memory, I need air conditioning!

Other than the air conditioner trouble I have had no complaints. That being said, I have car envy, big time.

Here's how the lust entered my heart.  The dealer gave me a loaner car “for my convenience”. I think that it’s really for “my persuasion”. Driving the new car shows me that my new car is old. I’m not even a huge car girl.  However, this loaner has the new car smell.  It accelerates quickly. It is as quiet as a sewing machine and handles much better than mine. 

It is just better.  Before driving the loaner, I loved my car.  Now, I think of it as “that jalopy”. Still, with everything new there is a bit of a learning curve.  

The new car operates on a keyless entry and ignition.  It's great technology, but bad if you're not familiar with it.  I left it running in the parking garage twice without knowing it.  Once I forgot where I had parked, was walking around the parking garage, pressing the panic button and cursing the new car because the panic button was doing absolutely nothing.  Once I found the car and realized that it was on I realized that the panic button was ineffective because I had left the car on...

Fortunately, it was a hybrid, and still had a full tank of gas. Perhaps that's why they invented Hybrids to help harried working moms who struggle with technology???
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Kristen said…
Haha, you are a trip! I was thinking you were being so serious and then I got the the line where you said, "The dealer gave me a loaner car “for my convenience”. I think that it’s really for “my persuasion”." LOL!! Right! How funny is that...& I never thought about it, but wow, what a great marketing ploy!! So, the burning question...Are you in the market for a new Hybrid now?? Or will you stay with your "jalopy" (LOL LOVE that).

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. You know I love re-fried beans but they have always looked like throw-up to me too! LOL.
Renee C. said…
I have to say, we JUST got rid of our 1995 Buick LeSabre (hello!) and got a brand new 2012 Kia Sorento. It has keyless entry and ignition - omigosh - I totally LOVE it!!

I'm visiting from the 99% Exposure Hop and I'm now following you via Twitter, FB, Networked Blogs and GFC. Hope you get a chance to visit us too! Cheers, Renee
Unknown said…
LOL!! I had a similar experience. I too have a Lexus that is 12 years old. I love my car. Well, I went to visit my parents and my Mom has a 2012 BMW. Ok so, I needed to run to the store (quickly and I take my mom's whip. Well daggone, there is a keyless entry- but you have to place a knob looking thing into it's cradle, press a button while tapping the brake I think, and I swear I think I had to whistle a certain way to get the car to start. Only to get stuck in the middle of the street!!! I was embarrassed. I need a simple key and ignition!!!! I just want to drive, I don't want to do a jig saw puzzle to start the car - too much thought!!!
Anonymous said…
Unbelievable in 2012

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Amanda said…
I love new car smell! That is too funny, you left the car running, twice? That sounds like something I would do! I'm glad it turned out ok! Thank you for visiting my blog, I am glad we have found each other! :)
Jeryn said…
Funny!!! Thank god this wasn't titled the loaner that got stolen.