One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Mommy Mondays: Cartwheels and Confessions

I have lived long enough that my life has experienced twists and turns and has been turned upside down. I won't bore you with my tales of loves, loss, and libations. Those tales are best left for another post! In that regard, the "confessions" part of this title is a bit misleading.  However, my intern, Olivia, has converted me to her love of alliterations with me and "Cartwheels and Confessions" sounded good.  Seriously though, if you read between the lines you will see that I am confessing quite a bit.  Read closely!
Today, I will simply tell you about how my world was turned upside down by choice.

As Andre, the toddler and I went for a walk today we passed our neighbor and her six year old daughter on the lawn. The neighbor’s daughter was practicing her gymnastics from her camp cheerleading camp.  She had to master cartwheels and round offs.  Because I am thirteen going on thirty (or something like that...) I decided to show the six year old how it was done. 

Much to the surprise of the neighbor and her daughter and Andre and the toddler I decided that it was time to flip.  I wasn’t sure if I could still pull it off, but I went for it anyway.  So, I leaped in the air placed my hands on the ground pushed off and nailed a pretty good round off. Then I did a cartwheel to show her the difference in the techniques.  I think she was impressed. 
Clearly, I am no Dominque Dawes. I won't be getting any invitations to join the US team in London for the Summer Olympic Games or to appear on "Cheer Perfection".  I am an attorney and a mom of a toddler who is approaching middle age, which means that I am overworked, don't have nearly as much time to workout as I would like, and often question whether I even understand what "work/life balance" even means. 
Still, I executed fairly well.  I'd give myself a 6.5 out of 10. Andre refuses to grade me because "I could improve". I get no credit for the attempt, even though my cheerleading "career" ended in high school! (The University of Virginia is Division I and they make you attempt stunts that scared a girl who is risk averse...) He definitely keeps me humble! Who needs Bela Karolyi?!
Still, I saw his face immediately after I completed my flips and Andre was shocked and amazed. I think that he underestimated me.  And the toddler was dumbstruck. I can only imagine what she was thinking. 

Here's my true confession, doing sometimes spontaneous and youthful was thrilling! Who knows how I’ll feel tomorrow, but today, this mommy feels good! I work across from a Rite Aid though. So, if I need some Biofreeze or Tiger Balm, I know where to find it!

I wish that we had taped it and could post it to YouTube so that you could be the judge. But we can't. Apparently, unless you're on the Real Housewives, Bethenny Frankel or Kim Kardashian, film crews aren't around to tape your life for "Reality TV". Don't they know who I am?! :-)
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Reba said…
The last time I attempted something like that, I couldn't walk for a few days. But I am out of shape. :)