A Working Mom's Secret to Success on Valentine's Day: Manage Expectations...

Lady celebrating Valentine's Day at Eddie V's "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." - Oscar Wilde  Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. The roots of Valentine’s Day roots go back to St. Valentine, a priest in the early Christian Church known for his compassion and commitment to love. He was a defender of faith, hope, and kindness, reminding us that love is not just a feeling—it’s an action. And, this year I have learned that being free on Valentine's Day is better than living a lie. Valentine's Day, like Christmas, comes every year. However, unlike Christmas, Valentine's Day is about romantic love an...

Parenting Lessons: Don't Watch "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle"

If you have read this blog before you know that I am a working mom and I have a nanny.  I was prudent with my hiring. I consulted friends, I posted ads in religious newspapers and university papers.  Also, at the advice of a friend, I posted on ad on http://www.care.com/. Ultimately, after a background check and reference checks we selected the woman who has been with us since our toddler was born twenty-one months ago.  She has been great and we are blessed.  Still, like all working moms I have insecurities...

I saw the movie, "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle" years ago. At that time it was just an intriguing, suspense movie. Now that I have a child it is a horror movie that has the potential to transform my dreams into nightmares...

For some reason, unknown to me,  I decided to watch the movie again tonight. It was a bad move, a really bad move. 

Here's the lesson for working moms, do not watch this movie. It will mess you up and make your mind play tricks on you just like the Geto Boys rapped about.

After watching this movie, I need a drink!
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