The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

A Peek Into the Life of a Blogger Mom: Schedule Disruption

I had planned to spend this week blogging about my preparation for the BlogHer12 conference. I intended to write about the clothes I was packing, my new business cards, and my strategy for maximizing my enjoyment at the conference. However, since this is Chaton's World and not reality TV things have not gone on schedule.

Our household has been turned upside down this week.  For clarity, Andre and I are not breaking up. Other than the usual laundry that needs to be folded, he and I are happy. The toddler is not sick. Indeed, other than the occasional tantrum, her life is good and she is happy. Also, nobody is unemployed. I actually got promoted recently and Andre is happily with the same company he's been with for the past decade.

Our nanny has been unexpectedly gone this week and her absence has sent our world into a tailspin.  I have just been trying to keep up. And I fear that I haven't been doing it very well.

So, please forgive me and stay tuned. I hope to be back on schedule soon!
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Teri said…
Real life sometimes gets in the way! We'll wait til things calm down for you. :)

Mari Passananti said…
My life gets in the way as many days as not. And one thing I never internalized before having a kid was that if the child care falls through, the whole day/week follows suit. Sometimes, ok, not really that often, but occasionally, I'm really envious of women who work for huge companies that have back up child care.
Mari, I am ALWAYS jealous of those women. Those companies have got it right. It is SO frustrating that there isn't more support for working parents. I'm telling you, you and I need to start a revolution! Seriously...