The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Friday Tip: FREE 6 issues of Working Mother magazine

As you know, this blog is about my quest for balance in stilettos.  Like a lot of women I work everyday, have a child and a relationship with the man that I love. In addition, I am committed to sharing my journey as a working mother with all of you.  It's a labor of love, but sometimes I need tips from other moms about how they walk the balance beam of life without falling off.

One source of inspiration for me is "Working Mother" magazine.  It's well written, has relevant articles, and the women they profile tell the truth!

You can try "Working Mother" magazine for free.  Go to the link below compliments of  the "Luv Saving Money"!

Luv Saving Money: FREE 6 issues of Working Mother magazine: 6 FREE issues of Working Mother Magazine. No bills, no strings. This offer expires Sept. 16, 2012
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