One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Friday Tip from Michelle Obama: Get Up at 4:30 AM and Workout!

Apparently, getting up early is the secret to success.  After all, "the early bird catches the worm."  Growing up the show "Alice" had a theme song that had the line, "Early to bed. Early to rise." There are a bunch of cliches supporting this concept.  However, there are also real life examples.
As I mentioned in my last video post, the women who spoke at  "Spark and Hustle"" touted the benefits of getting up at 4:30AM.  That's when they get, "a ton of stuff done." They said it so matter of factly that it almost seemed easy. Also, it's easy to get caught up at conferences in the excitement.  So, I immediately committed to getting up earlier. However, 4:30AM seems so extreme to me.  I used to get home at 4:30AM when I was a party girl and sometimes I got home "later" than that.  4:30AM would be a huge adjustment.
That being said, I'm competitve.  I want to achieve all that I am capable of achieving in life.  And I hate thinking that the one thing standing in my way is my inability to get up in the middle of the night.  Even though I have been getting up between 5:30AM and 6:10AM, I've been feeling guilty.  Since I hate feeling guilty, I decided to find role models that I could relate to--the women who achieved their dreams while drinking red wine at night, being inconsistent with exercise and waking up as the sun was coming up.  I needed to find my people!
Well, I am still looking for them.  While Katie Couric described herself as "lazy" at the BlogHer'12 conference, I know that was simply self deprecating. She was on the "Today Show" for years and that job defined "early riser". 
If you like to sleep in until 6:00AM or even 7:00AM and manage to take care of your obligations, feel good and look good, let me know.  I found a couple of women at the "Spark and Hustle" conference, but need to find more.
Until then, check out this article about Michelle Obama's workout routine.  Apparently, she gets up at 4:30AM too!
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Unknown said…
Wow you wake up early! Maybe one day I'll be a super early riser like you and Michelle! My average time is between 7 and 8. LOL

xoxo ♥ Shar
Jandie said…
Chaton, I am an early riser, usually waking about 4 am and completing my work out by 5:30. That is my me time! Then I am ready for mommy mode, washing clothes, while cooking breakfast and making lunches and whatever else needs to be done around the house. My boys staggeredly leave between 7:15 & 8:30 and then I start my workday. On the back end there is homework, dinner & transport to the sport of the day by 6:30 pm. I am usually in bed before my kids.
That's probably what time I should be getting up for "me" time as my daughter wakes up at 5:30. I just not a morning person. Im not sure I could ever adjust. 2 years into waking up with babes and I'm still a grouch monster in the morning.
mrsgregwillis said…
I usually sleep until 7:25 but font fall asleep until 12 or later. Sometimes run at 6:45 but I like my sleep. My kids are sleepers and my husband is a SAHD. Days are super busy every waking moment...we should band together.