One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Mommy Blogger With No Time to Blog!


This past weekend I was engaged in a whirlwind of activity and my blog suffered.  I am really behind, which is disappointing since I had been rather prolific for the past few weeks. I’ve posted regularly, sometimes multiple times a day.

People have asked me how I do it.  The answer is, I write a lot during my “free time” and when I’m not writing I am thinking about writing.  In addition to my blog, I write for "Parent Society".  I am honored to write for them. However, writing for them is more taxing than writing for my own blog. They require you to include meta data in your posts, which generally requires going onto Google Adwords to figure out the best keywords for your post.  It’s supposed to increase your help your post be found on search engines.  It’s a lot of work. Perhaps if I exercised that effort for my own blog posts I’d be really successful like Dooce and the Pioneer Woman? Now that I have put it out there, I think that's something I need to consider!
Instead of whining, I should invest the time on every post. But that’s when my real world obligations come in.  And sometimes I am too busy living my life to sit down and write about my life.  Such was the case this past weekend. 
Friday Night
On Friday night, we had a great gift. My mother watched the toddler while we went to a cocktail party. The party was nearly an hour away and there were cocktails.  Needless to say, there was no writing on Friday night.  I felt really bad because I had also failed to schedule a post with a “Friday Tip” for my readers.  I guess this Friday’s tip was “be more organized!” or “TGIF”.  However, if you simply decided to drink more cocktails for want of any instruction from me, I understand.  It was that kind of Friday!


On Saturday, I co-hosted a baby shower for a dear friend. We also attended the birthday party of my friend’s son.  Even though I woke up at 7:30AM and went to bed at midnight, I found no time to write.  I thought really hard about it though.  And I felt guilty, really guilty. I had failed to post a “Friday Tip” and I failed to post on Saturday even though I have some great fashion advice from my friends that I need to share.  Oh well, as I woke up from the couch at 3AM and made my way to my bed I thought that I would have a really productive Sunday.  However, my family had other plans.
Sunday: A Family Revolt
On Sunday, Andre and the toddler protested.  It was clear that they were over the constant writing while they were awake.  They were over the time I spent at the baby shower.  And they were over group activities like birthday parties.  What they wanted, what they needed was family time. And what better way to spend time together than a walk that never seemed to end?! Based on my Mapquest estimations we walked at least 12 miles yesterday, just “for the fun of it”. Andre suggested a hike through the park.  I suggested a walk to the park. I had no idea it would take us 5 hours! We had to grab lunch along the way. It was quite a journey.  I know that there was a lesson in the journey something like “family time makes the bond grow stronger!”  Towards the end, all I could think was “Are we there yet?!” I know, I know “bad mommy!”
After all that walking we had to take showers and have dinner.  I have no idea what time we were done. All I know is that I failed to make a video post.  My hair was too crazy to share with my readers.  You may question it, but there is such a thing as "too real".  Trust me.
I fell asleep trying to write a piece for “Parent Society”. Did I mention that I am behind on those pieces too?! 
This may not reflect everyone’s life, but it was not an atypical weekend in Chaton’s World.  Normally, I manage to participate in the craziness and write.  Next weekend I promise to do better.  Hopefully, you missed my posts.  And I know that I missed writing them! 
How was yours?!
