One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Peek Into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: How to Take a Road Trip With a Toddler for Labor Day Weekend

I actually should have entitled this, "How to NOT take a Road Trip with a Toddler", but I didn't want to confess my ineptitude in the title.

Last night we took a road trip from Pittsburgh to our nation's capital, Washington, DC. I guess that I was inspired by my post yesterday where I referenced Michelle Obama's workout regimen. I wanted to catch a glimpse of FLOTUS! Actually, I'm pretty sure that she is already in Charlotte for the "Democratic National Convention". So, I'll have to be content to just visit her city.

The ride from Pittsburgh to Washington, DC used to take me a little under 4 hours when I was single. Now, I am traveling on "Toddler Time" and this trip went a little differently.

It took us about six hours to make the trip. We had to stop for gas. When we stopped we had to let the toddler run around in the convenience store. If you haven't been in one lately convenience stores aren't necessarily equipped for toddlers. They have their snacks and candy low. This one also had windshield washer fluid, oil and gas treatment fluid on the ground and those were what the toddler was attracted to most.

Her attraction to all things dangerous and my risk averse nature were at odds. Then the toddler and were at odds right there in the store. And probably just to spite me, she laid down on the floor. Who knows if that floor had ever been mopped?!

After leaving the convenience store we drove some more. At times the ride was peaceful. At other times  it was more chaotic. That's when we started playing cartoon movies on the iPad. God bless Apple. They bought us thirty minutes of continuous  silence. Then, I gave her our iPod touch to play with.  That bought us another 20 minutes.  Then, I had to rely on snacks and a series of other electronics and my own witty personality. The toddler was not consistently amused. Finally when we had reached our limits it was time for dinner.

Dinner in this case meant Hardee's in Breezewood, Pa.. Yes, I fed my kid fast food. Don't judge me. Our options were limited on the road. I would have been content to go to the drive through window, but the toddler had to run around and she needed her diaper changed.
The trip was a series of starts and stops. And after getting lost But finally at around midnight we arrived at the River Inn in DC.  We were tired and frustrated. But all of a sudden the toddler got a burst of energy and it was party time!
More details later!

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Tonya said…
I remember an overnight trip my husband and I took with our then two year old. He decided he did NOT like our hotel room, and fussed, cried, moved around the entire night. We finally gave up at around 6 a.m. checked out and drove home! At the time it was a drag, but now we look back on it and laugh!

It gets easier!
Glen's Mom said…
Road trips....timing is everything...Plan around the child's nap time or leave early am or late at night...It helps ...they sleep..if you don't mind driving at night. (Same with flying..!)When she gets older, those Cracker Barrel gift shop games e.g., "I Spy" type deals work you know how few Deer Xing signs there are on the interstate?!They'll be on the lookout, eyes peeled for a long time. One final thought...the floor might have actually been cleaned more often than the diaper changing areas I've seen in my day! Don't even stop to think about it..just pray! Love the blog..keep it going.
Glen's Mom