A Secret to Working Mom Success: Give Yourself Grace

Me at the White House The other evening I had to attend a board meeting followed by a reception. I participated in the board meeting on the phone. However, I arrived for the reception in person. I was starving. So, I was glad to see that there was quite a spread laid out for our enjoyment. I wound up being the first person in the line to get food.

A Peek Into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: Sunday September 23, 2012

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday! We took some time out to make another video post. I think that the "VLOG" is the ticket for bloggers like me who also love to talk!
I made this video when I was supposed to be getting the toddler dressed and/or cleaning my house.  Don't judge me... 
I'm beginning to think that blogging, reading the newspaper, and researching issues that are relevant to working women is the cause of my perpetually messy house.  I also think that I simply lack the "housecleaning gene".  If you believe the "Mr. Clean" and "Pine-Sol" commericials there are some women who take great pride in cleaning their homes. In contrast, I take pride in having a clean home, but think that the chores can be outsourced.
Since I haven't figured out an affordable way to outsource the work yet, I have  become creative in how I position the camera so that you can't see all of the mess. (If I waited for my house to be clean, I would NEVER make a video post!) If you look closely though, you can see that I am slowly but surely drowning in Fisher-Price toys, Crayola crayons, and Legos...

Happy Sunday!!! (and since it is Sunday and this is Football season and I live in Pittsburgh, Pa. "Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers", I'd be remiss if I didn't say, GO STEELERS!!!)

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