One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: I Wish I Were in Charlotte at The Democratic National Convention 2012

"Sometimes you you've got to miss the party to be a parent." -- Chatón T. Turner
Watching the Democratic National Convention reminds me of how much my life has changed.  No, I haven’t stopped wearing blue and started wearing red. Instead, it has hit me that I have become a mother.
Four years ago when senator Obama was running for president the election was the most important thing in my life. I volunteered countless hours. I phone banked. I knocked on doors. I worked parades and events.  I did my part and probably the part of a few good men and women. It was all that I could think about. And a victory was all I wanted for my birthday. And when the clocked tolled midnight on my birthday that year, November 5, 2008, President Obama was giving his victory speech and my wish came true. I immediately planned to attend the inauguration and I did.  The only thing that I regretted about that election year was not attending the Democratic National Convention in Denver. So, I vowed to attend the convention during the next campaign.
I was so looking forward to attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC this year. I lived in Charlotte for many years and consider it home. I also am honored to call the mayor and his wife and several influential people in Charlotte friends.  I even used to work at the same firm as Governor James B. Hunt and consider him to be a mentor.  I had missed Denver, but I was excited to experience the convention in my adopted hometown with my friends. And I knew that the parties would be insane!
Being a working mom has taught me to take nothing for granted.  And instead of being at the convention wearing my cute dresses, attending parties and catching up with my peeps, I am in Pittsburgh where I live now going to work, typing this blog post on my couch and watching Michelle Obama give her speech on television.  I’d like to say that I am happy about my choice, but at this moment, “I have lust in my heart.”  I am lusting after being at the convention HARD!
Even though I love being a mom, sometimes the responsibility of being a parent interferes with my plans!
Why am I at home instead of in Charlotte? I couldn’t get it together. As you have read, we have been going through a lot of changes.  We were without a car for nearly a month and are in the early weeks of a new childcare situation.  With all of these things happening the month before I was to leave I failed to get as connected as I needed to be for the convention.  And when it was decision time—time to buy a plane ticket—it didn’t feel right.  So, I trusted my instincts and didn’t buy a ticket. 

I was responsible, but being at home is not as much fun.  And I am jealous of those that are there in the mix.  So I am living vicariously through my friends who are there and I am at home watching the event on television, reading comments on Twitter, and reading newspaper articles. I am also I zealously Tweeting using the hastag #DNC2012!
Also after Michelle Obama gave her speech I stood up and pumped my fist like I was a member of the cast of the Jersey Shore. And I am certain that I will be proud of our president when he speaks.  Surprisingly, as much as I wish that I were there, I still think that I made the right decision.  Go figure?!

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Kisha Jaggers said…
I live here in NC and wish I was there too but being a mother has changed a lot for me too! Bill Clinton was amazing last night!! Tonight will be even better!

Have a great Thursday!

K Jaggers
Tonya said…
I can totally relate. I live in New Hampshire, and during the 2008 election, I had a one year old, a toddler, and two kids in grade school. I so wanted to see the candidates when they came through our state, and vowed I would come the next election cycle. Alas, I have not. Only got to see one candidate - Rick Santorum, whose right wing views do not thrill me. I tried to get tickets to Obama's rally this Friday in NH, but they were all given out by the time I called.

These choices we make are very difficult. However, I will say that we talk a lot about government here at home, I have had both conventions on television this year, so I hope that I'm instilling the importance of voting onto my children.

It may be a few years, but you will fulfill your dream of going to a convention!
Jeryn said…
My road dog who you all know as the blogger behind Chatons World is my sister. Since she is now a mommy, I am sitting in Atlanta watching the DNC on my new flatscreen from my couch. Having a new flat screen lessen the blow from not being in Charlotte and since I am recovering from a cold I think we made the best decision. There probably is a sister pair in Charlotte looking for what we already have, which is love beyond measure, great friends , and a lifetime of awesome memories.

I consider myself a reformed party girl. Now I know that instead of chasing the next big party, I should relax and let the fun find me.

Sounds like you found the fun in PA sister and I'm creating my little nest here in Atlanta!!! Let's make a Skype date at 10 to watch Obama!!! See you at the inauguration!!!

4 more years.
Thanks for your encouragement. I appreciate you all encouraging me and supporting my choice.

Jeryn, I miss my road dog! Feel better soon!!!