One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Birthdays are special

Birthdays are Special” –Anonymous

Last week was the toddler’s birthday. She turned two years old.  And her birthday was like a national ...
We debated how to celebrate her birthday. Last year we got a little carried away.  We hosted an epic Tori Spelling inspired “Lady Bug” themed party, replete with a professional photographer and a red carpet.  We REALLY like birthdays!

This year we wanted everything to be perfect, but recognized that “perfect” depends on the situation. Her birthday was on a Tuesday.  We thought about hosting a large party the weekend before or the weekend after and that didn’t feel right to us.  Also, we hosted a rather large party this summer for her baby blessing. And we I didn’t have the energy to plan another large affair in the same year.  Also, something more intimate seemed appropriate to us.

So, we declared her birthday, “The Day of the Toddler”!   Andre and I both were able to take the day off of work and we did all of her favorite things. We went to the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum and she went to her favorite class.  She was thrilled to have both of her parents there and loved that the class sang “Happy Birthday”.  After the class, we hung out at the museum for a bit, we went to the ball exhibit.  We went to the gravity room. There’s a covered slide in there that she refused to go down. When we approached it, she turned around, said, “No. No.” and walked back down the stairs.  She loved the water room on the third floor and didn’t want to leave.  Eventually, we got her out of her borrowed rain coat and we returned home where we had lunch and put her to bed.

While she was asleep it was as if our house was invaded by the birthday fairies! Andre got balloons, streamers and festive plates. He even managed to find a “Dora the Explorer” balloon that looked almost large enough to be in the Macy’s Day parade! He even got her a crown, fit for a princess.

Eventually, our immediate families and our neighbor and friend, Kezia, came over and we had a grand time.  My sister, Jeryn, was even able to join the party via Face Time! 

The toddler seemed keenly aware that it was her birthday. She enjoyed having her favorite foods-- pizza and chicken. She enjoyed having everyone sing “Happy Birthday”. And she really enjoyed getting presents.

The toddler was a perfect hostess. She said “thank you” for every present.  She even held the clothes up to her chest and smiled. She also patiently waited while her Daddy put her new “Radio Flyer” big wheel together. She impressed our parents with her manners. Hell, I see her every day and I was impressed too!
Below are some more photos from her special day.  Enjoy!!!

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Melissa Baker said…
So sweet! Birthday wishes from us here in Australia!!
vicky said…
Hi! It's me Vickilicious from The Greek Housewife. Thanks for following me and I'm following you back! Very interesting blog and posts. I voted for you, too, at the TOPMOMMYSBLOGS.COM! Your daughter is so adorable! Happy Birthday to her or as we say in Greece 'ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ' (Chronia Polla) meaning 'May she live many years'! You guys made her day really special! And she was a perfect lady!!!