If you recall, last year, I thought
that our Christmas left a little to be desired. (see It's Christmas in Pittsburgh) Andre was exhausted from a
project that he was working on and slept most of the day. He had enticed me
with thoughts about the Christmas traditions we would be creating but at the
end of that day I was pretty confident that I wanted the “sleepy Christmas” to
be an isolated event.
Well this year was different!
Although Andre did embark on another project Thanksgiving week, he finished around
3:00 PM on Christmas Eve. We had our presents wrapped, attended my parents’
annual Christmas Eve party, and even went to bed at a reasonable time.
Me With My Mom and Sister on Christmas Eve.
And our Christmas morning was truly
Often in the hustle and bustle of the holidays it’s easy to allow the
commercialism of the holiday to consume you. However, on our Christmas morning,
we shared valuable family time. And although we exchanged presents, my best
memories are those involving Andre, me, the toddler, and the rest of my family sharing food and laughs
on Christmas morning.
Andre was genius. He found unused toys from the toddler's first birthday and
decided to wrap them. In that way, Santa really appeared at our house because
presents appeared of unknown origin and they made our daughter smile!
The Toddler Opening Presents on Christmas Morning.
One surprise treat was the personalized letter
from Santa that my daughter received. It described her likes and interests and
is something that she will treasure as she gets older. It also came with a
certificate commending her for her good behavior. All I can say is, my daughter
must have a great PR person because while she is sweet, cute and lovable, she
is prone to tantrums from time-to-time! Then again, Santa may grade toddler’s
behavior on a curve…
Boxes create lots of fun-filled hours for toddlers (and daddies)!