One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Working Mom Celebrating Obama's Inauguration With Her Fellow Americans (2013)

There's an old movie called "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington". I've never seen it, but I've heard that it’s about a small town guy who's elected to Congress. Well, I haven't been elected to Congress, but I did have the opportunity to attend President Obama's Second Inauguration and The Inaugural Ball. Like Mr. Smith, this small town girl went to Washington and she had a ball!

Still Smiling From Attending President Obama’s Second Inauguration

This time last week I was getting ready to attend the festivities associated with President Obama’s second inauguration. My journey began the week before when I received an email from the Presidential Inaugural Committee informing me that I had been given the opportunity to purchase 2 tickets to “The Inaugural Ball” (“The Ball”). The Ball was one of two official balls, which meant that the president and first lady would be dance at the event.  I was beyond thrilled and  there was only one person who would be as thrilled as I was to attend, my sister.


Some Things Are Meant to Be

As I imagined, she was beyond thrilled and everything fell into place. She immediately began looking for a plane ticket from Atlanta to Pittsburgh so that we could ride together.  And even though it was only a week away she was able to find a reasonably priced plane ticket. She also found an amazing dress that looked like it had been made just for her.  Then, a friend sent me a text message offered me two tickets to the swearing-in ceremony.  In turns out, she had extra tickets! Like the Ravens going to the Super Bowl this year, our attending the Inauguration was meant to be. (Sorry for that reference Pittsburgh Steelers’ fans…)

An invitation and ticket to the Inauguration 2013!

Since I have become a mom, I have decided to keep my life as low stress as possible. So, I didn't exhaust myself looking for a new gown.  And fortunately, I keep a few gowns in my closet for spontaneous occasions like this! Indeed, I used to say that I could be ready to attend any event if I just had an hour's notice.
After finding an outfit I had to chat with Andre.  Fortunately, was able to convince him that I needed to be in DC for the inauguration.  Actually, I don’t know if I convinced him as much as I was so animated and talking so fast that he actually may have thought that we had hit the lottery instead of being given the “privilege” to spend money to attend a party!

As God would have it, we had perfect travel weather.  Even though we had to drive through the mountains on the Pennsylvania Turnpike there was no snow on the road.  It was like the Red Sea parted and we glided into DC

The Inauguration Was a Celebration for the Entire Country


Some commentators have written that the inauguration was inappropriate given the state of the economy. However, I disagree.  This past presidential election was long and contentious. And the country was deeply divided across party lines. The inauguration is a time for the country--Republicans and Democrats--to pause, reflect and party.

Sometimes, a celebration can go a long way to heal relationships. January 21, 2013, the day of the inauguration was entitled, a “National Day of Hope and Resolve”. Even though it was really cold, the energy in DC was electric and hopeful. There were people in wheelchairs, old people, and young people. Some people were dancing. Some were singing. And in the midst of a cold winter's day, everybody seemed HAPPY! I was in front of the capitol with hundreds of thousands of my fellow Americans and I was moved. 

Me, my sister, and our friend taking it all in...

Tales about this mom's trip to"The Inaugural Ball" Are Coming Soon. Stay tuned!


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