One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Would Kim Kardashian Make a Good Mommy Blogger?!

Kim Kardashian is pregnant by Kanye West! Is that news? Well it was a few days ago. However, since I returned to work after the holiday season on Wednesday this is the first chance I have had to write about it.

Kim Kardashian's Pregnancy News Disrupted My Blogging Schedule

Quite frankly, this news has disrupted my planned writing topics. I have so many things to share about my own life. The holidays were awesome for my family. We were blessed to be together and even more blessed that we actually liked it (at least most of the time...) Still, like all families we had our conflicts. Also, having an extended time off of work in your home gives you time to reflect on some things.  I am convinced now more than ever that there are no miracle gremlins who will do your housework.  Based on what I have seen on the Internet, I hoped that the "Elf on the Shelf" might do it. Alas, he did not.
In any event, had Kanye West not expressed to a crowd that he was Kim's baby daddy, I might actually be sharing about our holidays. However, instead, I will be commenting about their blessed event.  For the record though, even the Today Show followed this story. So, refrain from sending me hate mail again about my obsession with Reality TV. I understand that I may have a bit of a problem. (BTW--Did you hear that Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy are getting divorced?!  Forget about that. I digressed...)

Would Kim Kardashian Make a Good Mommy Blogger?!

Other media outlets may be concerned about the baby's gender, what the birth might yield in terms of profits to the ever growing, "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" Empire and whether the baby will have its own clothing line... (There's also that messy detail about her being pregnant by one man while being married to another.  There used to be a name for that type of woman. Now, they simply call her "star".)
On the other hand, perhaps because I am slight narcissistic, I am concerned about what Kim's pregnancy means for me. Say what you want about Kim Kardashian, that chick is a hustler. She knows how to make money. And she makes things happen. That makes me nervous. If Kim enters the "mommy blogger" space she could totally own it.
There is lots of money to be made as a "mommy blogger". That's what I hear anyway. BlogHer paid out $17 Million Dollars to bloggers. And while I only may about $17.00, I believe them and I am scared. One of my Twitter friends said that she hoped that Kim didn't become a mommy blogger because, "she's out of touch." I have more selfish reasons for hoping that Kim doesn't become a "mommy blogger"...

Kim Would Likely Be a Profitable "Mommy Blogger".

Kim may be out of touch. She might live in a world that most of us will never see. However, she is either really smart or she is at least smart enough to surround herself with smarter people who know how to make her money (like her mother, Kris Jenner). Based on my Internet research, her net worth as of last June was $40 Million Dollars. (No, that was not a typo.)  Because of that, she might just suck up all of the money from the other mommies! Not to whine, but that's not really fair...
If you doubt me. Just pause for a second and think about a little Reality TV show called, "The Simple Life". Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie thought that they were reality stars too...

If Kim Kardashian Decides to Become a Mommy Blogger, Call Me Maybe?!

So, Kim Kardashian, if you decide to become a "mommy blogger" and want someone to show you the ropes, "Call me maybe?!" 
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Bicultural Mama said…
I do think she's out of touch in terms of what an everyday's mom's life would be for 99% of us. That being said, she is a very good businesswoman (or her mom is). Though she may have a lot of help with raising her little one, she is likely to get a lot of paid endorsements from companies who want her to promote their baby products.
I actually think that companies should use us to promote their products. We're cute, relatable AND funny!
Unknown said…
Great blog post! Saw you on Blogger Mom. Look forward to reading more.
Carrie from Just Mildly Medicated
Vinma said…
Very insightful post! Found you through Bloggymoms and now following you via GFC. PLease feel free to visit me as well. Happy New Year!
Tia said…
She already has a blog that I believe she actually runs herself. I would be willing to bet that she would write about Mommyhood some there. She will def get paid to tweet about products or use certain products during the taping of her show. Her sister (Kourtney) actually has a Mommy section on her personal blog. It's nothing too in depth but she's blogging. We can't stop them from spreading their entrepreneur wings and expanding their brand. I say go for it. I am a firm believer that we should never knock another woman's hustle. Who knows..maybe her becoming a "mommy blogger" will actually be a good thing for all of us...
Unknown said…
Now, really, if Kim Kardashian was a mommy blogger, what wouldshe have to share that is not pricey? Most Mommy Bloggrs are doing the blog thing ofr many reasons that do not relate t o some one that has oodles of cash.
Being a celebrity does not neccesarily make you the best at being an honest mother.
Tia, Not mad aat Kim's hustle. I was just venting! Great points ladies!
Anonymous said…
Stopping by from Bloggy Moms. This post had me cracking up! I look forward to reading more about you and I hope you have a great week!
Unknown said…
I never thought about it. I like for people to get their hustle on as well- and yes she has figured out how to do it. I am just not really interested in seeing her on the main YAHOO page every time I get on my internet for the next several months.... Anyway, there is definitely more important news in the world.... fiscal cliff anyone? Anyone? lol
LA Botchar said…
I make it point to never pass time thinking about the Kardashians. really, they exist in a completely unknown world that I can not possible fathom.

but if I must, I'd have to ask: good lawd - with all that other hustling, when would she have time to blog? My own empire is much smaller - I only have 3 kids, a hubby and a home to take care of (and I don't have to look all "hawt" doing that either), and I can barely find the time to write a post. Let alone read other bloggers.
If you have to hire a nanny to watch your child so you can blog...I submit for really a Mommy Blogger.