One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: At the Playground in Stilettos

After work yesterday I grabbed the toddler and went to the Post Office. Tis the season for preschool applications and I had one that I wanted to mail yesterday. After the Post Office I decided to stop at the playground. Even though it was overcast it was over fifty degrees in Pittsburgh, a veritable heat wave.
The toddler loves the playground. It’s like swinging is in her blood or something. She can go back and forth all day long. It’s probably because we relied on the swing so heavily when she was an infant.  I swear, our Fisher-Price swing was the secret to my sanity as a new mom. If you’re pregnant, buy one.

Working moms have to be flexible if they want to do it all...

The funny thing about the trip to the playground is that I went in my work clothes. I knew if I went home to change we’d never make it out again. It’s funny how my house has a way of sucking me in. Often I go in, change my clothes, and my motivation to leave evaporates.
Since the toddler had been so agreeable and it was a nice day, I wanted her to get the chance to play a bit. So, the toddler and her mommy who was dressed in a long wool Calvin Klein coat, black slacks, long black leather gloves and sunglasses went to the playground. And you know what, we had a fine time. She was so happy to go that she didn’t even notice that I was walking more slowly than usual because my heels were getting caught in the mud. I was grateful beyond belief that I was wearing my Via Spiga ankle boots and not my Miu Miu patent leather booties. I didn’t want to ruin the Via Spigas either, but ruining a pair of Miu Mius would have been truly heartbreaking!
Of course, as is usually the case, no shoes were ruined during the making of this memory. There was just good times had by all!
I am sure that some passersby thought I was quite mad to be there in my good clothes. However, I imagine that the other working moms smiled because they understand that you have to make compromises if you want to do it all!

Photo of toddler at the park on a sunnier day. You can tell that she loves it!


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