The Word for this Wednesday, Joy!

Happy International Women's Day: Let's Celebrate Women!

Even though I've had some posts lately criticizing high profile women like Marissa Mayer and Sheryl Sandberg, I remain a huge fan of women and believe that International Women's Day is a great time to acknowledge our accomplishments.

International Women's Day is a Time to Celebrate!

Do we have a lot of progress to make in workplace equality, pay equity and acknowledgement of the contributions of mothers?  Absolutely. However, have we come a long way? You betcha baby!

Here's a link to a prior post that discusses this remarkable day, and the many challenges that women face, in more detail, Chaton's World: A Mom's Quest for Balance in Stilettos: International Women's Day: Let's Celebrate Women!  (It would be really great if this time next year, America makes this a national holiday...)

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