As you know Andre has been
spending nearly every waking moment at his parents’ house renovating their
master bathroom. It’s a big job and a noble job. Somebody has to do it, and for
the past six weeks it’s been Andre…
Some of our best memories have been made on road trips...
Last weekend I kidnapped
him. As I wrote on Saturday, we traveled to one of the most idyllic places on
earth, Charlottesville, Va., to visit my alma mater, The University of
Virginia. Every other year we celebrate Black Alumni Weekend and this was the
Weekend. It’s a reunion of sorts. Since the "black experience" at UVA tends to transcend class year, The University hosts a combined
event where all alumni can come, regardless of class year.
The family at The University of Virginia.

This year, it was a family
reunion of sorts too. My aunt, my cousin and her children joined us as well. I
had the pleasure of sharing my beloved University with them and seeing how much
they love my daughter. My cousin’s five year old daughter nominated herself as
my toddler’s personal tour guide. At the picnic she grabbed the toddler by the hand kept telling her
to “come on”! It was cute. Of course everyone ate too much BBQ and chocolate chip cookies. So, walking around helped burn the calories!
The kids also saw their first Greek step show and got to see me with my Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority sisters, which helped them see me in a new light. I think that thought I was cool (but that may just be wishful thinking... :-))
We had a great time that was punctuated by swimming in the hotel’s pool and pizza and
wings. The kids thought they hit the lottery!
The swimming pool at the Hilton Garden Inn in Charlottesville, Va.
And after the swimming, my college
friends and I went to a party where Biz Markie was the DJ and Doug E. Fresh
performed. It was a jam-packed weekend, but the most fun I've had in while!
Andre and the toddler enjoying a milkshake during our trip back.