Français : Poste - États-Unis - Cinco de Mayo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Efficiency is the secret to
success as a working mom. Indeed, the only way to get everything done without
losing your mind is to figure out how to streamline your life. Indeed, I spend
time trying to shave time off of my commute, my makeup routine and how to make
dinner in under 20 minutes.
In all honesty, I probably wouldn’t
feel as conflicted about my schedule if I only focused on those things I have
to do. However, I don’t think that life is nearly as much fun if you only focus
on chores. You have got to have some fun too.
You can have fun as a working mom
Even as a working mom, you can
make life one big party. It doesn’t mean that every moment will be easy. I used to be a party girl. So, I can tell you that not all parties are created
equal. Sometimes the food is nasty, the music isn’t mixed right and the
lighting is off. I have also been to parties where I have been bored out of my mind
because I was in a corner with someone who wanted to share the most boring
story I’ve heard in my life. That being said, parties always beat chores.
That may be why I also like to
entertain. Sometimes you can't wait for the party to happen, you have to create your own. Having a party is a great way to ensure that you have a good time.
You get to choose the people, the food, the lighting and the theme.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with an
efficient margarita recipe.
Cinco de Mayo is a great excuse
to party. It has historic significance.
However, for most Americans, it is an excuse to drink tequila and have some
tacos. So, in honor of the Americanized
version of Cinco de Mayo I am sharing with you the fastest, tastiest recipe for
a margarita that I have seen in some time.
Lime Sorbet Margarita Recipe
I am not encouraging you to
imbibe. However, if you choose to, here is a recipe for Lime Sorbet Margaritas:
¼ Cup-Sugar
2 Cups-Lime Sorbet
½ Cup-Tequila