One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

A Peek into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: The SmarteRita "Get Waisted Challenge"

Summer is a time for cookouts, cocktails and good times. However, those good times can wreak havoc on your bikini body. So, a girl has got to be careful about how she decides to celebrate the sunshine.  I try to use this blog to educate working moms about products that can make their lives easier. While I am not advocating drinking alcohol, most of the working moms I know enjoy a good cocktail. And for that reason, and because I enjoy a good, calorie friendly, cocktail myself, I decided to accept the SmarteRita "Get Waisted Challenge".

The SmarteRita "Get Waisted" Challenge

When I heard from SmarteRita, I felt like I hit the Blogger jackpot. I was asked to taste test a cocktail and to share my opinions with my readers. I like my alcohol and I know how to drink it. I began my taste test by pouring the SmarteRita over ice. I wanted to try it on the rocks, so I put some ice in a glass poured my drink. It tasted a little artificial, like it had been sweetened with Equal. However, it was sweet and appealing. As a girl who has watched her weight since 1995, tasting artificial sweetener wasn’t surprising or revolting. In an effort to give it a thorough taste test, I decided to put it in the shaker and shake it with ice to see whether mixing it up would make the flavors blend better. It did. I definitely recommend drinking it that way.
The company also sent me a bottle of Skinny Girl Margarita to compare the SmarteRita with. Since I had fallen in love with it while watching “Bethenny Ever After” and drinking it last summer, I was excited to indulge in an old favorite. I poured it over ice and took a sip. I was surprised. It didn’t taste like I remembered. While it lacked the artificially sweetened SmarteRita, it also lacked the flavorful fruity taste.  Skinny Girl does however, have a much stronger taste of tequila, which makes it seem stronger. I also put Skinny Girl in the shaker, which improved its taste as well. Apparently, the shaker is the ticket!  
I could not make up my mind about which one I preferred. So, I had Andre try them. He preferred the Skinny Girl hands down. I think it’s because Skinny Girl has a stronger taste of tequila. After he shared his opinion, I tried them again and was convince that this was the best blogging assignment ever! J
Upon my second taste, and it was likely influenced by Andre, I gave a slight edge to Skinny Girl. I think that it would be more popular with more people, especially men, because the tequila is what you taste most and not the sweetener. Even though I don’t mind the artificial sweetener, it’s a little strong in the SmarteRita for my tastes. If they figure out a way to tweak that part of the formula I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Nothing says summer like a good fruity drink, and what’s better than a margarita?!

I am still wondering how I got lucky enough to do this comparison. Signing off and pinching myself... :-)
Contents of Package Received from SmarteRita
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