Summer is a time for cookouts,
cocktails and good times. However, those good times can wreak havoc on your bikini body. So, a girl has got to be careful about how she decides to celebrate the sunshine. I try to use this blog to educate working moms about products that can make their lives easier. While I am not advocating
drinking alcohol, most of the working moms I know enjoy a good cocktail. And for that reason, and because I enjoy a good, calorie friendly, cocktail myself, I decided to accept the
SmarteRita "Get Waisted Challenge".
The SmarteRita "Get Waisted" Challenge
When I heard from SmarteRita, I felt like I hit the Blogger jackpot. I was asked to taste
test a cocktail and to share my opinions with my readers. I like my alcohol and
I know how to drink it. I began my taste test by pouring the SmarteRita over ice. I wanted to try it
on the rocks, so I put some ice in a glass poured my drink. It tasted a little
artificial, like it had been sweetened with Equal.
However, it was sweet and appealing. As a girl who has watched her weight since
1995, tasting artificial sweetener wasn’t surprising or revolting. In an effort
to give it a thorough taste test, I decided to put it in the shaker and shake
it with ice to see whether mixing it up would make the flavors blend better. It
did. I definitely recommend drinking it that way.
The company also sent me a bottle of Skinny Girl Margarita to compare the SmarteRita with. Since I had fallen in love with it while watching “Bethenny
Ever After” and drinking it last summer, I was excited to indulge in an old
favorite. I poured it over ice and took a sip. I was surprised. It didn’t taste
like I remembered. While it lacked the artificially sweetened SmarteRita, it also lacked the flavorful
fruity taste. Skinny Girl does however, have a much stronger taste of tequila,
which makes it seem stronger. I also put Skinny Girl in the shaker, which
improved its taste as well. Apparently, the shaker is the ticket!
I could not make up my mind about which one I preferred. So,
I had Andre try them. He preferred the Skinny Girl hands down. I think it’s
because Skinny Girl has a stronger taste of tequila. After he shared his
opinion, I tried them again and was convince that this was the best blogging
assignment ever! J
Upon my second taste, and it was likely influenced by Andre,
I gave a slight edge to Skinny Girl. I
think that it would be more popular with more people, especially men, because
the tequila is what you taste most and not the sweetener. Even though I don’t
mind the artificial sweetener, it’s a little strong in the SmarteRita for my
tastes. If they figure out a way to tweak that part of the formula I’d buy it
in a heartbeat. Nothing says summer like a good fruity drink, and what’s better
than a margarita?!
I am still wondering how I got lucky enough to do this comparison. Signing off and pinching myself... :-)
Contents of Package Received from SmarteRita |