Happy Belated New Year!!!

                         HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  Things have already been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time, trying to make a difference.  I share my experiences on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. As the New Year unfolds, I am filled with a variety of emotions—wistfulness, joy, and heartfelt gratitude.  

A Peek Into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: Being Profiled in Mommy Noire Magazine

As I mentioned recently, one of the things that I love about being a mommy blogger is the love and support that I have received from other bloggers. Blogging seems to attract moms who are generous and interested in forging a virtual community. Some of my blogging relationships have even turned into friendships.

Check me out in Mommy Noire Magazine

One such friend is Heather Hopson from "Diary of a First Time Mom". As I recently mentioned, Heather recently hosted a lunch and learn with The Motherhood that was a great event. Also, it turns out she included me in a recent post she wrote for "Mommy Noire Magazine" entitled, "11 Mom Bloggers You Should Bookmark"      http://mommynoire.com/36468/best-black-mom-blogs/4/.  Being included in this post was a pleasant surprise and immediately increased my number of page views! Also, I was happy to learn that reading my blog had been helpful to Heather while she was pregnant.
Thanks Heather!!!
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